British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak & Other World Leaders May Face Criminal Investigation

1 year ago

On February 24, 2024 Jim Ferguson @JimFergusonUK on X writes:

Exclusive Breaking News: Evidence to be presented that criminal activity has been committed by the very top of Government in the UK.

Rishi Sunak British Prime Minister may face a criminal investigation and face potential criminal charges of the most egregious kind.

British MP Andrew Bridgen has written to Mark Rowley Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police and the most senior of Police officers to have a three hour meeting where experts and whistle blowers will lay out the evidence where potential criminal activity has been conducted by the very top of Government and the civil service in the UK.

Parliament has been deliberately misled over the vaccine contracts. This matter may be taken to Parliamentary standards in addition to the presentation of evidence to the Police and the Security services.

"heads of governments around the world and others below them have engaged in what is tantamount to treason against the public"

Office of National Statistics (ONS) figures on Excess Deaths are being covered up. "there is a huge coverup going on"

In August 2019 a member of the security services stated that there was a pandemic coming and not to take any of the vaccines.

Bill gates and Rishi Sunak invested heavily into the Pharma companies like Pfizer and Moderna prior to the pandemic. Did they have insider knowledge about what was being planned in a coming pandemic!

75% of congressmen and woman in the United States have investments in Big Pharma.

A Pfizer executive stated that a a senator could be bought for $10,000.

The journalists are complicit in the cover up. Main Stream Media are bought and paid for.

A court case has been launched against the former health secretary Matt Hancock for defamation against Andrew Bridgen and this will take place in the Royal Court of Justice.

We wish Andrew every success.



On July 29, 2023 Jim Ferguson @JimFergusonUK on X writes:

British PM and #WEF2030Agenda devotee #Sunak invested $500 million of his private funds into Moderna through a company called Thelema Partners in a notorious tax haven in the Caymen Islands. Afterwards he stated in parliament that the vaccine was "safe and effective" while then going on to roll out further permissions for Moderna to set up further vaccine producing interests within the UK. Did he use his position as Prime Minister to make massive personal profits while knowingly or even unknowingly causing harm to the British people and has he broken the National Security Act which states "if you're working in secret for a foreign power to use or abuse your knowledge in a way that causes harm to our citizens you will be a criminal." Former Head of MI6 Sir Alex Younger.



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