President Bukele Warns America at CPAC

11 months ago

Bukele gave a historic speech at the 2024 CPAC, during which he outlined how he was able to rescue El Salvador from the grip of the global elite, their NGOs, and the gangs that have been working for them to destroy his country.
Singlehandedly, in just a few short years, Bukele has completely transformed his country from being the "murder capitol of the world" into one of the safest and most prosperous countries in the Western Hemisphere. He even put his country on an honest monetary system (Bitcoin), which is essential in order to break free of the central bankers monopoly over our world's [fiat] monetary system.
How did he do it? Take a few minutes and listen to his speech. He will explain how he did it. I hope Trump listened to what he had to say, for he too will need to do the same things here in America in order to rescue our broken and aching country from the thirteen central banking families who currently own and/or control it through their 111 tear-old fraudulent money creation scheme.
Freedom Movement Manifesto
Meet the Thirteen Families

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