Knowledge of God

11 months ago

Every one should have knowledge of the one who created them,,
Know Him ,, and HE will know you, The worst things the human ear can hear is these words,,
Go away from me i never knew you, He in knocking open the door !!!
From your heart ask for forgiveness ,, ask Jesus to reveal Himself to you HE WILL,
Knowing God and His Son, is LIFE
it is a relationship,
it is not showing up at a building for and hour on sunday , You are the Temple of God.
where 2 or more are gathered HE IS THERE
pure religion before God, is widows and orphans, it is LOVING one another, it is that simple,
His Spirit is with in you, He teaches you all things,

We study and talk to HIM EVERYDAY, we grow in our faith through the knowledge of God The Father and His Son Jesus who He sent to earth for us,, make time for HIM HE LOVES YOU , He wants you to come to Him,
if you love someone and want to know them you do not show up 2 hours a week to say hi,
To know Him is to Love Him, God is Love
Pick up His word and do word studies you will gain some much knowledge is a very short time
if you seek you will find,, HE LOVES giving wisdom to those who want it,, if you ask He will lead you...

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