Who is the Man of Sin? (Trailer)

7 months ago

WHO IS THE MAN OF SIN? A false assumption is that the Antichrist comes with Marxism and Communism. It's HALF right. INSPITE of the Marxism and Communism the Antichrist, instead, will come in on "exploits" and "flatteries." He'll be a hero, not a villain... until he's revealed with the abomination of desolation. THEN you see the mask come off and the TYRANT. Why do you think Trump models his presidency after ANDREW JACKSON? Because he might've started off having the backing of the people. In the end, he was a tyrant and caused one of the most tragic events this country ever witnessed with the TRAIL OF TEARS. Imagine now how the Jews embrace Trump. Jesus warns to FLEE when that MASK finally comes off because he becomes the tyrant and does just like Jackson did with Native Americans, but with the Jews.
Hollywood FLIPPED the story of the Man in the Iron Mask. PHILLIPE, the man of peace, should've been the one that showed up first, THEN LOUIS, the tryant. Instead, Hollywood is leading us to believe the TYRANT will show up first, not the MAN OF PEACE. So, I corrected that in this video clip. PHILLIPE shows up first as "the mystery of iniquity," then the Wicked is revealed as LOUIS, the tyrant... just as the man of sin will be destroyed by the brightness of Jesus' coming. KINGDOM NOW and DOMINION THEOLOGY is a heresy. CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM is heresy!

[Re-Edited: I found something in the raw footage that creeped the socks off of me]
Trump reading "Snake Poem."
Man in the Iron Mask (1998)
A Twinkling of a Shutter production.
"You knew d@45 well I was a snake."

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