Deeply Rooted

11 months ago

Living life on the surface, just “doing” religiosity and not “being” found in God is a life that is not vibrant, a life that does not make an eternal difference and has no shine to it. It is a good choice to do what it takes to be deeply rooted in Christ. I know that sounds very “religious” that term “deeply rooted in Christ”, so let me put it in a way we all can understand: Know God! God has always been personal with us, living with us, finding a way no matter what the obstacle to be Present with us. He has always desired a personal relationship with us. We were created to be in relationship with God.

So, the choice is like this… I saw a huge tree when I was taking a walk in Michigan one day, it was magnificent. It was a hot day and I took shelter underneath the shade of this tree. How did it grow so huge with magnificent branches, so beautiful, so healthy? It is deeply rooted and the limbs are firmly attached to the huge trunk that supports them, keeps them healthy. So, if we want to be a healthy person, a person who provides shade to others, who bears fruit that feeds the soul of others good things, then we need to be deeply rooted in God. Talk to God, develop that strong personal relationship with God, us and Him. Get into His Word, and begin knowing Him for Who He has always been. Cling to God, dig your life roots deeply in Him, let God be the strength of your inner spiritual core.

The Word of God is powerful, it can transform us, shape us, feed us and cause us to be very fruitful. Attached to the Vine of Jesus Christ, we are strong, viable, vibrant people, with an attractive anointing that draws people to us. When you have peace in a world that is so chaotic, when you have wisdom in a world of deception, when truth reigns in your life, people will want what you have, they will want to sit underneath the shade of your tree and take a break from the heat of this world. Yes, being deeply rooted in God, not only helps you, but blesses other’s too.

So being deeply rooted means that you are making it personal with God all day long. You have invited Jesus Christ into your heart and life and you are doing life with Him, moment to choice, in personal relationship with Him, navigated by His Holy Spirit, founded upon the foundation of an unchanging Father God, secure in the living Word, and becoming like God, being a person people can admire, so you can point them to God and say to them: Do you want to be like me? Do you want to have the peace I have? Do you want to be navigated to truth in a world full of deception? Do you want to have inner peace? Let me introduce you to Jesus Christ, the One I live heart to heart with every day, He is the reason for what you see in me that you want.

Dig Deeper:
Colossians 2:7-9 Have your roots planted deep in Christ. Grow in Him. Get your strength from Him. Let Him make you strong in the faith as you have been taught. Your life should be full of thanks to Him. Read: John 15

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