Saint Bernard Gets Excited Over A Balloon

7 years ago

Never enough of dogs and their never-ending longing for games and funny little things they can do in their homes with their owners. Every dog has its own way of entertaining itself. Their game is different every time.

What it makes it even more comic is the things they find at home to play with. They can range from pillows to socks, from balloons to sponges. And every time, their play is unique and this Saint Bernard is a true example of fun-loving dog. Saint Bernards are well known for their rescue capabilities. Their sacrificing nature and true souls makes them even more likeable.

These proud owners of a dog of this breed simply couldn’t feel less entertained having this big and cuddly dog dashing in the rooms with a balloon tied around his neck. Sully loves the balloon and gets over-excited with it. He knows exactly that the balloon is so precious since it is a birthday present from the people he loves and cares about, so he wants to show a little appreciation and how much it means to him. No wonder he walks all perky around the rooms, racing from one to another.

Sully does not mind the darkness in the bedroom, he pops on the bed anyways. Until the balloon gets stuck in the ceiling fan. But with the help of his owners he unwinds himself and goes on with this important march. Luckily, the balloon is untacked, it didn’t burst-way to go. Hooray! Another short walk around the table and he peacefully sits down to show that he has accomplished his gratifying mission.

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