11 months ago

💥 Good sermon about ⛨ The Knights Templar copycats known as Freemasons (of Scottish Rite etc) (copy cats), the sons of BAAL/MOLOCH! , Followers of the ✡️ Zoharic Kabbalah (from Babylon and reached the Pharaohs) (luciferian kabbalistic occult/Sons of Noah) - https://rumble.com/v4edvl8-sons-of-khazarbaal-masquerading-as-jews-fulfilling-the-zoharic-kabbalah.html, the iceberg of HELL CONDEMNATION and DECEPTION!

👁️ Watch PART TWO - Dark World of Freemasonry - SONS OF BAAL (MASS DECEPTION) - PART TWO - https://rumble.com/v4fdslz-dark-world-of-freemasonry-sons-of-baal-mass-deception-part-two.html👁️



🐍 FREEMASONRY = ILLUMINATI (searching for light) 🐉

💥 Freemason bible does NOT contain the name of JESUS CHRIST! so Freemasonry is turning your back on your Messiah and exposing yourself to demons

💥 High level freemasonry holds Islam with so much honor than any other bible

💥 They believe that in Satanism and all forms of sorcery/witchcraft you can find good (RELATIVISM)

💥 Freemasonry is a one world religion (MARK OF THE BEAST) - bring all men from all religions and make them one

💥 Some members are Christian pastors

💥 G (ג) in freemason logo/symbol is celebrating Generative meaning reproductive cycle of female organ vagina. Also means Phallus (man's erected penis) in Hebrew

💥 Meaning of square in freemason logo/symbol represent earth open to receiving rays of the sun, the compass represents mean the sun and rays coming down to the earth. The Hidden meaning of square represents the woman with open thighs, compass on top of the square represent the man Phallus inside the woman. G symbol completing the whole logo to mean g-spot/sexual union

💥 The Equilateral triangle represents the Trinity for Christians in the lodge however represents the unification of the sexes - male and female forming 6-point star representing sexual union (sex magic)

💥 The ALL SEEING EYE represents eye of god (Eye of Osiris/Horus) the actual object of worship in masonic lodge - https://rumble.com/v48l393-is-the-eye-of-horus-worship-masonic-.html



Pray with me:

"LORD JESUS, this is my simple prayer to you. I know that I am a sinner and that I often fall short of the glory of GOD. No longer will I close the door when I hear You knocking. By faith, I gratefully receive Your gift of SALVATION. I'm ready to trust YOU as my LORD and SAVIOR.

Thank You, Lord JESUS, for coming to Earth. I believe YOU are the SON OF GOD who died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead on the third day. Thank YOU for Your forgiveness of sins and for giving me the gift of ETERNAL LIFE. I invite JESUS to come into my heart and be my SAVIOR.

In the name of JESUS, AMEN."



---> Morgan's Freemasonry Exposed and Explained : Showing the Origin, History and Nature of Masonry, Its Effects on the Government, and the Christian Religion and Containing a Key to All the Degrees of Freemasonry, Giving a Clear and Correct View of The... (Hardcover) - https://bit.ly/Morgan-s-Freemasonry-Exposed-Explained

---> Jesus Christ The Only Way To Heaven Jesus Christ The Only Truth Jesus Christ The Only Life In One Volume (Paperback) - https://bit.ly/Jesus-Christ-The-Only-Way-To-Heaven


All credit for this video goes to:

---> Living World Church - https://www.instagram.com/livingwordchurchbelize


✝️ Matthew 7:15-20:

"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

✝️ 1 John 4:1:

"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world."

✝️ Romans 16:18:

"For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people."


👁️ Satanic Booty Twerk now part of the NEW AGE MOVEMENT (OSCULUM INFAME) - https://rumble.com/v4f8g23-satanic-booty-twerk-now-part-of-the-new-age-movement-osculum-infame.html

👁️ Happy Valentine's Day - Worship Day of Lupercus (MASS DECEPTION) - https://rumble.com/v4f7z33-happy-valentines-day-worship-day-of-lupercus-mass-deception.html

👁️ Tomorrowland Cult (NEW AGE MOVEMENT) - https://rumble.com/v4f7578-tomorrowland-cult-new-age-movement.html

👁️ The Book of Enoch (PROOF OF MESSIAH, NEPHILIMS, 200 FALLEN ANGELS) - https://rumble.com/v4f0ygh-the-book-of-enoch-proof-of-messiah-nephilims-200-fallen-angels.html

👁️ The Demons Of King Solomon (WARNING TO ATHEISTS AND THE OCCULT) - https://rumble.com/v4eznmo-the-demons-of-king-solomon-warning-to-atheists-and-the-occult.html

👁️ Me Movement - DO WHAT THOU WILT (MASS DECEPTION) - https://rumble.com/v4evsb6-me-movement-do-what-thou-wilt-mass-deception.html

👁️ The Deceitful Christianity of Celebrities - DO WHAT THOU WILT (MASS DECEPTION) - https://rumble.com/v4erwhu-the-deceitful-christianity-of-celebrities-do-thou-wilt-mass-deception.html

👁️ Sons of Khazar/Baal Masquerading as JEWS (FULFILLING THE ZOHARIC KABBALAH) - https://rumble.com/v4edvl8-sons-of-khazarbaal-masquerading-as-jews-fulfilling-the-zoharic-kabbalah.html

👁️ ZIONIST New World Order (Adam Kadmon Kabbal/Talmud Concept) - https://rumble.com/v4e56o9-zionist-new-world-order-adam-kadmon-kabbaltalmud-concept.html

👁️ Former Buddhist expose Demonic Possession (WAKE UP) - https://rumble.com/v4e4u96-former-buddhist-expose-demonic-possession-wake-up.html

👁️ Buddhism is Satanism (Former Haitian Vodou Warlock/Satanist EXPOSE) - PART THREE - https://rumble.com/v4e4gj0-buddhism-is-satanism-former-haitian-vodou-warlocksatanist-expose-part-three.html

👁️ Buddhism is Satanism (Temporary HELLS) - PART TWO - https://rumble.com/v4e4gaf-buddhism-is-satanism-temporary-hells-part-two.html

👁️ Buddhism is Satanism (DECEPTICONS) - PART ONE - https://rumble.com/v4e4g3c-buddhism-is-satanism-decepticons-part-one.html

👁️ Former BRITAIN'S GOT TALENT Finalist expose the New Age movement (DECEPTICONS) - https://rumble.com/v4dwtx5-former-britains-got-talent-finalist-expose-the-new-age-movement-decepticons.html

👁️ THEY WANT YOUR CHILDREN - Disney's New Movie WISH (MASS DECEPTION) PART ONE - https://rumble.com/v4ccaxz-they-want-your-children-disneys-new-movie-wish-mass-deception.html

👁️ THEY WANT YOUR CHILDREN - Disney's Cast and Staff (EVIL CORP) PART TWO - https://rumble.com/v4ccmnn-they-want-your-children-disney-cast-and-staff-evil-corp-part-two.html

👁️ THEY WANT YOUR CHILDREN - Disney's Content Inclusion Standards (DEI = WOKE) PART THREE - https://rumble.com/v4cctaf-they-want-your-children-disneys-content-inclusion-standards-woke-part-three.html

👁️ THEY WANT YOUR CHILDREN - Rabbi Abe Finkelstein (CULT OF MOLOCH) PART FOUR - https://rumble.com/v4dji52-they-want-your-children-rabbi-abe-finkelstein-cult-of-moloch-part-four.html

👁️ THEY WANT YOUR CHILDREN - Rabbi Abe Finkelstein (CULT OF MOLOCH) PART FIVE - https://rumble.com/v4djj26-they-want-your-children-rabbi-abe-finkelstein-cult-of-moloch-part-five.html

👁️ Former Buddhist expose Demonic Possession (WAKE UP) - https://rumble.com/v4e4u96-former-buddhist-expose-demonic-possession-wake-up.html

👁️ Buddhism is Satanism (Former Haitian Vodou Warlock/Satanist EXPOSE) - PART THREE - https://rumble.com/v4e4gj0-buddhism-is-satanism-former-haitian-vodou-warlocksatanist-expose-part-three.html

👁️ Buddhism is Satanism (Temporary HELLS) - PART TWO - https://rumble.com/v4e4gaf-buddhism-is-satanism-temporary-hells-part-two.html

👁️ Buddhism is Satanism (DECEPTICONS) - PART ONE - https://rumble.com/v4e4g3c-buddhism-is-satanism-decepticons-part-one.html

👁️ Former African Warlocks/Satanists expose the New World Order by the Illuminati Occult - PART ONE - https://rumble.com/v4bbwzo-former-african-warlockssatanists-expose-the-new-world-order-by-the-illumina.html

👁️ Former Santería/Regla de Ocha/Palo Mayombe Warlock/Satanist expose the New World Order by the Illuminati Occult - https://rumble.com/v4bhhsc-former-santeraregla-de-ochapalo-mayombe-warlocksatanist-expose-the-new-worl.html

👁️ KINGDOM OF INVERSION (Upside Down Kingdom of Demons) - https://rumble.com/v4bir9f-kingdom-of-inversion-upside-down-kingdom-of-demons.html

👁️ Occult Symbolism in Video Games - https://rumble.com/v49wf4x-occult-symbolism-in-video-games.html

👁️ Is the Eye of Horus Worship Masonic ? - https://rumble.com/v48l393-is-the-eye-of-horus-worship-masonic-.html

👁️ RedBull Occult Symbolism and Rituals - https://rumble.com/v4b5q3h-redbull-occult-symbolism-and-rituals.html

👁️ HUMAN TRAFFICKING OF CHILDREN (CULT OF MOLOCH) - PART 2 - https://rumble.com/v4d00bo-human-trafficking-of-children-cult-of-molloch-part-2.html

👁️ HUMAN TRAFFICKING OF CHILDREN (CULT OF MOLOCH) - PART 1 - https://rumble.com/v3qrvfl-human-trafficking-of-children-part-1.html

👁️ Freemasonry The Knights Templar copycats (BAPHOMET/DEATH CULT) DECEPTICONS - https://rumble.com/v4cxqa3-freemasonry-the-knights-templar-copycats-baphometdeath-cult-decepticons.html

👁️ Exposing the Pope Francis MASS DECEPTION - The Vatican (EVIL CORP) - https://rumble.com/v4cepyf-exposing-the-pope-francis-mass-deception-the-vatican-evil-corp.html

👁️ Formula One Drivers using Masonic and Occultist Symbols -https://rumble.com/v4b97er-formula-one-drivers-using-masonic-and-occultist-symbols.html

👁️ The Disclosure Hub's 100+ Insane Connoisseur Grade Exposé (ELON MUSK and many more) - https://rumble.com/v4c5td9-the-disclosure-hubs-100-insane-connoisseur-grade-expos-elon-musk-and-many-m.html


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