Vallejo Police Shooting Fabricated

1 year ago

This video footage is from Swat sniper BWC shooting from inside his truck from rear seat thru his own windshield.Swat Det Jarrett Tonn said suspect crouched down to a knee in a combative position pointed a gun at him Tonn said that’s when I raised my rifle punched my rifle forward & shot 5 shots at him. Now a multitude of people have given their opinions on this shooting from Leo’s to Attorneys & the Media. You may be surprised what I noticed Non of them I’ll say it again all of them fail to comprehend what’s happening here with this OIS they all have been fooled into believing this was a self defense shooting as Tonn and his Cop buddies put on record. I’m going to show you the impeachment Evidence that’s in his own BWC footage that will prove they all lied and fabricated the story that’s on record. The important thing to remember is Tonn & witnesses said suspect was on his knees stationary pointing gun, This is the proof watch Tonn rifle move to the left right before he shoots, the only thing moving left that we see is the fleeing Nissan truck in Tonn’s shooting backdrop. That’s it there’s no disputing it trucks moving left Tonn rifle moves with it Sean Monterrosa was probably watching the truck flee from cops Sean not facing cops he was hit in back of head DOS. The Calif AG Rob Bonta except ed the fabricated story said insufficient Evid to prove it wasn’t self defense, no further action will be taken. He’s a fool that got fooled by his own team of UOF experts get this,they omitted the fleeing truck in Tonn’s line of fire as he shooting along with a mountain of Evid. Lies coverup Destroying Evid not collecting Evid. As of today Det Jarrett Tonn has gotten away with murder. The videos are available on Vallejo PD Webb site June 2 2020 Sean Monterrosa

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