Reinhard Stanjek on Judy Beebe's GEM Spheres

1 year ago

According to Reinhard, this little creation by Judy Beebe called GEM Spheres has consciousness and it's a very powerful tool to amplify your intentions.

"Tesla appeared in her dreams, it was like he was in her bedroom, he gave her instructions on how to build this."

If you are interested in Judy Beebe's works:
(*This is not an affiliate)

Reinhard dropped another wisdom:
You have to have faith in life!
Belief is the enemy of knowing.
When you know something, you really KNOW it on all levels (physical, mental and spiritual)

⭐️One of A Kind OG Collection⭐️

💎 Crystals recommended by Reinhard:

Orgonite Master Class:

👉🏻About the Creator:
Reinhard Stanjek has been perfecting the art of creating orgonite for over 17 years, relying on both learning from experts in the field and listening to his own artistic intuition.

He is repeatedly fascinated by the way that spirit moves through these pieces and creates anomalies in his original design, only to find these occurrences often enhance their energy output dramatically.

Throughout the years, Reinhard has "gifted" our planet with 1000's of OG's. He focuses mainly on balancing the effects of cell phone towers and other disruptive frequencies.

Disclaimer: Any statements made in this video are not intended to diagnose or recommend treatment for any illness. Please discuss any major changes with your doctor.

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