Reiki in Edinburgh

1 year ago

Edinburgh 2019

There was a community centre near my house and daily they would host various events for the community and anyone that would join, one of it was a weekly Reiki healing session performed by two men and sometime a woman would come around as well, payment by donation.

Donation is for me the most honest way to do it cause I don’t like when healers, pseudo healers and unfortunately scammers ask for money that normally is much more than what a middle class person can afford so you left asking a question, who they are healing? People or their bank account? if you need to ask some money should be something that everyone could afford easily, the gifts we receive to help others should be to be used in a way that anyone would have easily access to otherwise becomes like an elite thing where only who have money can afford it, like education, healthcare and so fuckin on.

I respected my grandmother, she was a healer and as a pensioner instead to sit in the park giving food to the pigeons she would use her healing gifts to help and my house was a daily in and out of people and she wouldn’t ask for money, that’s how should be.

Let’s go back to the Reiki people, I think what they were doing was wonderful cause they had some gifts that wanted to use to help others but in a way that everyone could afford, they let people decide how much to donate, this is what a real healer does, they work in a way that everyone rich and poor can receive a healing treatment and I have been there few times and left always lighter and recharged.

There is an episode in particular I want to talk about, one evening went to the community centre for a Reiki session, I’m laying down on the cot I close my eyes and we begin the healing, it was calming and relaxing and slowly I get into a deeper and deeper relaxation state till to a point that I feel someone holding my feet and gently pressing it down, all is good but realising that the Reiki healer holding that position for quite a lot to the point that I get curious and I open my eyes a little only to realise that no one is grabbing my feet and the healer is behind my head so who was then? Different people different explanations but I prefer my romantic and spiritual explanation, I was healing and in deep relaxation state, one of my guides or departed relatives or my father was reassuring me that everything was ok and they were there looking after and guiding me.

I miss Edinburgh and I strongly believe I lived there in a past life or maybe more than one.

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