Virginia democrats want to release over 2k prisoners, google's AI refuses to acknowledge white skin

1 year ago

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placeofpods on TikTok posted a video explaining her frustration on how hard it is to survive these days, she's not alone and this is all by design, "they" know exactly what "they're" doing 🥺

Virginia democrats are trying to release over 2000 people from PRISON early, those included are rapists, murderers, and child molesters, why would they do that and what could possibly go wrong 🤔

Florida Congressman Byron Donalds was on fox talking about Joe Biden not being fit to be President and how insulting it is to EVERY taxpayer to "forgive" student loans, again, "they" know exactly what "they're" doing 😠

Ian Carroll on X talks about google's new racist AI, you can't blame the AI, someone is inputting data that makes it "think" like that and another video from him about how Israel exports DIAMONDS yet has no mines, something's going on but, no surprise there 🤑

Kathy Hochul, the governor of New York doesn't seem to like people, always talking "shit" about someone, I'd say look in the mirror but I don't think she casts a reflection 🤪

MSNBC was doing their job confusing people and using the new term "Christian Nationals" saying those people weren't Christians because they believe Our God given rights DON'T come from the government they come from God, imagine that 🥴

The Declaration of Independence reads "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness", easiest fact check ever 😎

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