Jakob Lorber movie - God's Scribe who received Lord's New Word

1 year ago

Jakob Lorber movie - God's Scribe who received Lord's New Word - The New Revelation of Jesus Christ
A German documentary about the "scribe of God", Jakob Lorber (1800 -1864) who wrote for 24 years an immense spiritual work (now called The NEW REVELATION) which unveils the greatest mysteries of God, creation, man and, particularly, Christianity - guided by the inner voice of JESUS CHRIST. The translation of this video from German into English was performed by the late Violet Ozols.
see also: https://the-new-revelation.weebly.com/

One humble testimony about the greatest, immeasurable treasure... God's direct word through His scribes, Jakob Lorber and Gottfried Mayerhofer in the XIX-th Century.
It is an extraordinary body of revelations, completing and explaining the Christian Scriptures (His Old Word), as also the main natural and spiritual knowledge that actual humanity needs in order to prepare itself for His Second Coming. No unanswered questions remain from the study of this New Word (or The New Revelation) neither for the believer in Christ, nor for the unbeliever.
Lord's infinite grace will lie upon the one who will receive these teachings with a humble heart and an open mind - for by receiving them, he will really receive, recognize and know his infinitely loving and merciful Father, thus greatly strengthening his love for Him.
On the other hand, any superficial consideration about these teachings, any form of neglect or denial will be a judgment for those who will indulge in these... as it was also with the ones who adopted such attitudes towards the Lord when he was in flesh amongst them. For to neglect or deny Love incarnated or Love's living word, means to have no real love.
These promises and warnings do not come from me, for I have zero authority to say anything but from the author of the New Revelation. May everybody find blessings and not judgment, humility and not pride, love of God and not self-love... For we are all destined to walk in clear heavenly light and always happily work with our Father in His great things...

The New Revelation of Christ

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