THE SABBATH #4: Does the Day Begin at Sunrise or Sunset?

11 months ago

Today there is great confusion surrounding the Sabbath, and one such hot topic is that of whether the day is reckoned from morning or from evening. Many Sabbath keeping Christians align themselves with Jewish practices of evening reckoning, but is this what the bible really teaches? Today we will examine this controversy and see how the day is reckoned according to God, the Creator of both the day and the night.

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00:00 - Introduction
06:59 - Why This Matters
09:27 - History of Calendars: Egypt to Rome
31:07 - Context on the word "Day"
33:17 - The Creation Narrative
50:42 - The Exodus Narrative
1:12:04 - Old Testament Sacrifices
1:13:31 - Sabbaths vs "The Sabbath"
1:20:31 - Ancient Cultural Attitudes
1:29:45 - The Crucifixion Timeline
1:32:37 - OBJECTION: Nehemiah 13:19
1:41:04 - Final Thoughts

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