"That Time - It's Here" - 2 Tim 3:1-5, 4:3-4 - (www.reallife7.org)

11 months ago

The last days indicators are all around us and become more obvious with every passing day. Blantant scoffing of God and everything holy. Disobedience to parents at a level never seen before in a culture. People are acting religious, but they reject the power of God that can save them and change their lives. Jesus Christ is the only answer, but of all the names spoken today, His is the most hated by those who have never met Him or received Him. We are also at a time when mankind is openly rejecting sound biblical doctrine. They don't want to hear the truth that will liberate their souls....they want only to hear what they want to hear, that which will make them feel good and not convicted over their sin.

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