Why Should You Keep Your Wisdom Teeth

1 year ago

In recent years, the topics of the connection between mouth/tooth health and body health have gained more and more interest. your oral health is far more important than you might have realized and we are becoming increasingly aware of the connection between the body, the mouth, teeth, and gums. According to the meridian system, poor tooth health can affect organ health and cause blockages of energy flow. Conditions in the mouth have a profound potential to reflect and influence our health as a whole. Let's dive into it.

Background music: Theta music

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My books:
88 Most Important First-Aid Acupoints for Self-care from TCM
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Harness the Magical Power of Ancient Chinese Medicine
Ebook version: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=1ZWnDwAAQBAJ
Kindle version: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N0VG23V

With love and blessings,
Lucy Liu

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