This Animal Should’ve Have Died a Long Ago

1 year ago

You must have seen this horrifying footage of a Woman Throwing a Disabled Dog Out Of a Car and Kicks Him Face-First Into The Ground. People like that make me sick and shouldn't be allowed to own a pet of any kind.
The dog's name is Tintin and after the video went viral dog was taken in by the animal shelter who said the dog did exceptionally well given the circumstances. After Tintin's story went viral, dozens of people offered to adopt him. In almost no time, the handsome Tintin found new loving owners. More to that the people who dumped Tintin will be facing jail time.
Tintin seems to be as happy and healthy as ever. Cuddled by his new owners, the handsome boy seems to have finally found his forever home. The thing is the dog continues to live on as if nothing had happened just like this buck.

It is a pretty wild thing to see a deer still walking after something like this, a trail camera captured this footage that shows the severely injured buck walking in the wild forests of southern Illinois. As you can see in this clip, The deer is seen walking with its internal organs completely exposed. Survival sites report that the footage was taken by a local hunter, who has since reached out to other landowners to find out the fate of the wounded beast. What caused the wound is still unclear, maybe this poor buck survived the attack from some wild hunters. Local hunters said they are trying to find this poor thing to put it out of its misery but they are unsuccessful even after searching the area for weeks.

Animals likely tolerate pain to a particular level before showing changes in behaviour and Deer are quite strong when it comes to enduring the pain. In incredible footage filmed on board, the bus the deer is first seen running into the road before the bus has a chance to break.
Within seconds the deer has smashed into the bus' windscreen and is seen inside the vehicle.
Clearly, in a panic, the deer then causes chaos by running around the bus and jumping on seats, unable to get out. Even when the bus driver finally stops the vehicle and pulls over, the deer is unable to get out and stumbles about on chairs inside.
Have a look at this buck, it is very strange and somewhat unbelievable that a buck can survive like that, as you can see this buck doesn't have its back hooves just bare bones he walks on. Buck survived and quite a lot of time is passed since this buck lost its toes, poor animal could have been hunted down by predators a long time ago or maybe it managed to run away fast enough or you can call him lucky because surviving wounds like these in wild is nearly impossible. But how did this happen to the poor buck in the first place? Well, there are several theories like it got itself into a trap or hit by a bullet, another possible explanation could be an infection such as hoof rot. Living in a humid environment can cause infection in the hooves of these animals and because of this infection their hooves can be easily damaged and bacteria do their job to rot the flesh and skin.
Looking at the video of these animals you can notice that they pretend that they do not feel any pain even when they are seriously injured and that's a trick to avoid being hunted as the predators always prey on weak and sick animals.
What if there was a way to get rid of pain, scientists also thought about it and they did some tests on chickens. Some of them were healthy and some were not, the birds were offered two types of food. One with and the second without painkillers, later scientists taught the bird to find which is which and then offered them a choice, The chickens who were in pain preferred food with painkillers.
Under the right conditions, animals can act like they are weak, But, they are willing to take any means necessary to ensure their survival. Even drink dead sheep's milk! It sounds disgusting but This is the exact scene that a Dutch farmer from a small village saw, One of his sheep died and a baby seal who lost its mother and happened to be too far from the sea and was very hungry. It found its way out, after seeing all this farmer was in shock, but to relief, you guys seal is okay now, he's being taken care of in seal rehabilitation. Some of you might think this story is fake but after hours of research, our team can confirm that the story of the dead sheep and seal is quite real. If you live in the Netherlands you would know that sheep often roam around the coast and the death of this pregnant sheep became the source of food for this seal pup. If pregnant sheep fall, they can hardly get up and most of the time they die due to internal organ failure, so this explains why sheep died in the first place.

This cat is named Dymka. Dymka was found in the snow by a passerby in southwestern Siberia. The cat was in bad shape, She had been caught in the frigid Siberian weather for too long and as a result, suffered severe frostbite in multiple parts of her body. The doctors had to amputate her tail, both ears, and all her paws.
There are two likely scenarios, Either she ran away or she fell out of the window for its home. A team of vets collaborated with researchers from a Russian university to give Dymka a chance to walk again. They created special titanium-based prosthetics to replace Dymka's lost paws. The team used the CT scans of Dymka's legs to create a 3D model which was then printed out using a 3D printer. Thus, her custom-fitted titanium limbs were created. Dymka has taken to her new implants very well. She can be seen actively stalking around, pouncing on a toy rug, and even enjoying a good, long stretch as other able-bodied cats do. While we are talking about cats, let's talk about this big cat Mikumi the Tanzanian National Park lion who got his head caught in a snare. It was trapped in it for almost three years. The young injured lion was spotted at the park in 2009 but officials said the park's massive size and difficult terrain made it impossible to pinpoint the animal several unsuccessful efforts were made to rescue him but the wire snare around his neck became tighter and tighter creating an infected wound and making the animal incapable of ensuring its survival. If his pride had not hunted and fed him for three years it would have been the end for Mikumi. Finally, in 2012 a rescue team managed to free the beast from the snare which had been deeply embedded into the animal's flesh Mikumi is now regaining weight and his wound is healing his mane was growing back over his neck and shoulders and he had rejoined his pride what a survivor.

Though Mikumi did survive with the help of rescuers, Sparky didn't need any help to survive. Some of you might know about him, but those who don't know! Sparky is a bison living at the Neal Smith National Wildlife in Refuge. In the summer of 2013, this large bison was struck by lightning! And you can guess how he gets his name. He is the only bison that has been struck by lightning on this refuge. And He didn't seem to worry at all about that! There are several incidents where sheep, deers and moose died because of lightning but our boy sparky survived the incident and become a celebrity for the next 5 years. Sadly he died at the age of 14 due to natural causes! Sparky will be missed by his fans who often came to visit him in the refuge.

All the animals we mention today were very lucky and each of them would have died if circumstances had been a little bit different but In a bizarre incident, a fish was found with a whole live turtle inside its stomach. The discovery was made by a biologist from Florida. The research team was sent to collect tissue samples from fish. One of the researchers noticed something unusual and was immediately alert. There was movement coming from the stomach of a bass. The biologist cut the stomach of the fish carefully only to find the live turtle inside, something one doesn't usually find in the stomach contents of largemouth bass.
Check out the world's most battered great white shark, just check out the number of scars on its body and still, the shark is fine and survived everything. What caused this, to know all about it check out the video "right here"
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