Ode to COVID-19?

1 year ago

The Zika Virus
Remember that global “pandemic” out of Brazil just a mere 4 years before COVID-19?
Zika was the pandemic that shut down thousands of businesses in South Florida in 2016. Not only did it have people cowering in their homes and being sprayed from planes above with toxic chemicals, but it also caused a spike in fear-driven abortions worldwide, resulting in the deaths of millions of fetuses.
Remember that psy-op? Probably not.
That's because our Criminal Overlords, and the Matrix Media they control, have conditioned us all to quickly forget the past and to focus all of our attention, angst and anxiety on the Next New Crisis. Just a meaningless charade. All 茶番.
The Noh Mask Channel presents this teaser for a new series of videos called Run Program Zika – the ßeta test for COVID-19. Starring all the same actors, agents, and agendas.
We must awaken. Or we'll fall into the same trap again, and again, and again. These “pandemics” ALL follow the same Program.
Our persistence must match their persistence.
Dr. Noh
#zika #runprogramzika #diseaseX #plandemic #arrestbillgates
These are the opinions and musings at this point in time in my life's journey. Should they inspire you, let's walk together and learn from each other. Should they offend, you are welcome to leave your comments below.

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