If I Were The Devil - Robbo Da Yobbo

1 year ago


Filmed MAY 2020 !!! 🚨 PART 1 of 2 🕶 Operation 🥷 Take-Down 🦸 No Exercising Outside ?

🚨 PART 2 of 2 🕶 filmed MAY 2020 !!!!! 5 months in I was warning everyone.... ( what I already EXACTLY knew what was coming 10 YEARS F@CKING EARLIER !! )
Operation 🥷 Take-Down 🦸 Corona on Money ?!?!? An Excuse for a CASHLESS SOCIETY ??

Deleting Cells

#WeatherWarfare 🚨 ACAPULCO DESTROYED BY DEW 📡 Same As MAUI ( is 100 % linked to the whole CONvid PLANdemic - Transhumanism Agenda !!! - Hitachi Smart Dust - Morgellons Fibers and NANO-BOTS)
*** StAy TuNeD to @HAARPhunters for updates..

🚨 SMOKING GUN !! PROOF !! 🚨 FINALLY CAUGHT them - Above MAUI Hawaii 🧨 DEW attack - NOT a "wildfire" ** THANKS TO @HAARPhunters

🚨THE 🛰 MAUI 📡 EXPERIMENT 💥 DEW Direct Energy Weapon Attack -- SMART METER / Smart City / OPRAH / DIAMOND MINE connection
GET READY MATES !!!! It's 100 % australia's turn... most of the world is burning... !!! ! You should see sth america and africa on the fire map !!!!
Hawaii "FOREST" fires .. where there was NO forest and the Fire forgot to burn the Green Trees but MELTED car wheels and disintegration Houses..... The power was CUT on purpose hours before = kids sent home to d!e in their homes while parents at work //// NO WARNING .. ZERO for the whole town /// NO forest surrounding the area /// Certain MANSIONS of hollywood elite STILL STANDING ... the same that had be TRYING to push the traditional land owners off for years /// Reports of an "IMPOSSIBLE" wind... you can see in my other video of Maui the perfect day with nice clouds still just sitting there STILL.... while an "UN-NATURAL" reported wind 5 times the speed suddenly picks up out of no-where /// Fires jumped mansions - hotels the resort and GREEN TREES //// DODGY AGENTS coming in trying to BUY the property /// the Hawaii Governor talking about just going to probably just "ACQUIRE " the land anyway.../// Same Governor went to WEF conference walking about how Hawaii is perfect to set up a "Renewal Energy SMART CITY " ///// Smart City CONFERENCE !!! coming to Hawaii THIS September !!!! //// To "Build Back Better" you have to destroy things first /// The couldnt try this on MAINLAND USA... so they are testing this all out on Hawaii... // can't do this to New York or Boston or Canada ... so they trying OTHER methods to get rid of all the small business owners that WILL NOT go along with the DIGITAL . NO CASH // fully GOVERNED by their own new laws UNITED NATIONS and WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM LAWS and dodgy rules....

Please support @HAARPhunters by grabbing a FREE Rumble account and then follow our Channel(s).. https://rumble.com/register/RobboDaYobbo/

H.A.A.R.P Hunters - GeoEngineering #WeatherWarfare - Predictions
- Conspiracy Corner - CONvid PLANdemic - #TheHardTruth - https://rumble.com/c/CONvid
Robbo Da Yobbo's Comedy playlist :-) = https://rumble.com/RobboDaYobbo

Head to DOWN-UNDER DEALS and order some of the SweEEEetest Gadgets on the planet & Free Shipping 'Straya Wide.🤠 wWw.RobboDaYobbo.CoM 🤠 ( One time sign up bonus US$25 CRO below )

********** SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL ********

#3 Here's MY Xmas Present to YOU.... A WARNING !!!
SPEND CASH - don't leave YOUR "savings" with the bank !!!! I ALWAYS use cash when buying and selling.... but MY SAVINGS are going in to Physical GOLD - Physical Silver and Crypto... When "THEY" are done with cash - and cash is worthless what are you all guna do ???? BUY CRO in this app - then swap to Crypto Currency the Aussie Banks are about to base THEIR "digital credits off" ANZ and NAB - have chosen XRP and XLM - Then enjoy the Crash of Cash - as they bring in the "cashless society" - Digital Currency.
Trust me... you do NOT want to get stuck on the Govt's "digital credit' system !! Get Ahead Of The Curve !!!
If there is no referral code = enter this = qefy2gj8tp you wont get the $US25 - stake enough CRO coin ( dont have to order ) for the RUBY card to get US$25. CRO Sign-Up bonus - ( to spend as a gift card WorldWide or linked Visa card 🙂 after you get enough CRO for the Ruby Visa card )

*!*!*!*! BINANCE is awesome too.. I use that on computer to BUY and CRO App on my phone to SPEND
Register for a FREE Binance exchange // Crypto Wallet
Binance Wallet = https://www.binance.com/en/register?ref=71482929

TWITTER = https://twitter.com/RobboDaYobbo

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/robbo.da.yobbo/?hl=en
#FJB - Let's Go Brandon VIDEO Playlist

In closing... :-p
TWO AUSSIE BANKS have chosen the TWO crypto currencies they are going to use.. (click see more ) This is your last chance. !!!!
And you will have to have access, on your device, to the Email you use to sign up.
!!! Don't Forget.. If sign up sheet is BLANK -- >> & this code is missing... qefy2gj8tp
I can't give you the $US25 🙂
********************and this is a Free signup WORLDWIDE APP folks !!! so youll get bonus signup CRO $25US after you stake for the RUBY visa card...
you do NOT want to get caught on the US central bank coin !!!!! PLEASE !!!! if you havent.. it's so easy to get a Crypto wallet.. BE PREPARED !!!

If there is no referral code = enter this = qefy2gj8tp or you will not get $US25 https://platinum.crypto.com/r/qefy2gj8tp
STAKE enough of the CRO coin for the RUBY Card - to get the BONUS --- then !!! cash it ALL out with a gift card or get Ruby card sent out. you dont have to get card send out.. just enough CRO to qualify for the extra $25US (youll see the word CARD on the home screen of that APP... )
AGAIN make sure you put referral code in OR you wont get the sign up bonus... qefy2gj8tp

NOW !!!! you can instantly cash out - by creating a E-gift card creator to THOUSANDS of stores worldwide-- and cash the $$ you bought CRO with ANNNNDD the extra sign up bonus.... if you are worried..
******👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 You SHOULD be paying your Kids pocket money in CRO not coins anymore ! 👨‍🏫 They hold NO value. They print more Money than they are allowed / supposed to / actually backed up by real gold / wealth by at least 5 times..👨‍💻. SO our $1 is really ALREADY today... worth about 20 cents.. ! 👼

You are very welcome. I hope the Gift Card helps after a tough year for us all. ( Caltex - 🍻 BWS - Woolies - Myer - Drummond GOLF ⛳️ - 🏸 Rebel Sport 🏑- Coles - Amazon -🏎 Uber / Eats 🍔 - 🥂 Dan Murphys - 🎣 BCF - 🛠 Bunnings etc etc )

🏆 Crypto is NOT a conspiracy .. it is NOT fake money.
"Real" money is actually fake.. I hope you all get that..
The stock market is FAKE !!! backed up by nothing by rumours. insider trade and back door deals.. !! No-one can deny that.

You're welcome.
🌠 You dont have to follow me.. Just enjoy the gift card on me.
Aussie Crypto Kid & Conspiracy Comedian #RobboDaYobbo


!!!! ****

( I also EMP proofed my trezor. paper.. cardboard .. then wrapped in Aluminum Foil. then put in old microwave WITH CORD CUT !!!! LOL just in case)


EMP attack would wipe out ALL online wealth. Only the smart will survive.

put your savings offline NOW mates...

*** DON'T FORGET to rego through my link below... and message me on Rumble your username - so I can send out the International Video Competition Link...
I am about to LAUNCH an INTERNATIONAL Video comp - for those that sign up through my rego link to Rumble.
NOW... there will be celebs and those that want to enter will have to submit a quick "audition" video.... and then if chosen .. will be given 5 different scenes to "Storyboard" / choreograph .. and FILM to submit to the competition..
please start by grabbing a RUMBLE account now..
and stay tuned... this is going to be big !!!
you missing one mate.. ❤ .. PLEEEASE use MY link.. as it helps MY %% on MY videos.
ANNNNNDD i have set it up so anyone that goes through mine.. get instant option of MONETI$$ATION mate 😉

*!*!! That's about it MATES.... YEEeEEWwWWwWWW
Merry XMAS and don't forget the free shipping on my website www.RobboDaYobbo.com til the end of 2023..

Have a Great 2024 everyone !!!

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