The Most Amazing Eagle Attacks Ever Caught on Camera

1 year ago

A golden eagle attacked an 8-year-old in Kyrgyzstan. The bird held the girl's back with claws and pecked the back of her head. The injuries were severe. The girl was taken to a hospital, where her injuries were stitched up.

There is another Footage of a giant golden eagle that swoops down and snatches a young kid. the eagle picks up the baby and drops it. Don't worry as this baby is also fine. The girl and baby survived the attacks but not all the animals are that lucky.

It's hard to believe but eagles have been captured attacking animals that are twice their size equipped with exceptional eyesight coupled with a beak that could cause serious damage and sharp talons with a grip that is 10 times stronger than that of a human it is safe to say the Eagles have what it takes to take down just about any animal.
Welcome back to another video on our channel today we will look at the most amazing and flawless eagle attacks ever caught on camera. You wouldn't believe it if these moments weren't recorded!

#13 Wolf
Wolves are known to walk in packs and find strength in their unity we can't tell why this particular one is by itself the lone wolf was walking through the snow when it sensed something unusual out of curiosity it took a few glances before it realized that the eagle was onto him it immediately took off at a neck-breaking speed but the eagle had calculated its move quite accurately it matched up to the wolf's speed and attacked it the wolf's roar and teeth were insufficient to drive the eagle away. The eagle rapidly killed the wolf, and another eagle joined him shortly after, either to lend support or join the feast.

#12 Bear
Next attack is on bear! yes you heard that right a bear a grizzly bear for that matter this eagle must have some nerve to goattack such a huge creaturebut wait size doesn't intimidate eaglesbut i just can't bring myself to understand how this eagle had planned to take down this bear that was just minding its business clearly it was caught by surprise a slap on the head out of nowhere look at how clueless it was about what had just happened the eagle seems to quickly realize that it had picked an impossible target i highly doubt if it went back for a second attack.

#11 Shark
Sharks have a fearsome reputation for attacking humans in more or less warm and deep waters. But in this video a large bald eagle slowly walked up to a shark that was stranded in the shallow waters.
The eagle looked rather concerned that the shark was just lying there the right thing to do at this point is to pull the shark towards the deeper water so this eagle was off to a good start as a check to see if the poor shark was still alive a minute later it was joined by another bald eagle.

#10 Lion

King Jungle aganist the King of sky? that is right! King of the sky an eagle wastes no time when it comes to attacking but this eagle gets points for patience they perched on a tree branch watching this group of lioness in their cubs obviously waiting for the opportune time to carry a cub with it the rain came and went but this eagle was still there silently watching once the lionesses were on one side and the cubs on the other the eagle felt it was time to attack the cubs but from the ground quite an unusual move as eagles operation a pick and go basis, no landing this eagle decided to creep up on the cubs low and slow but the cubs eventually noticed so as it got closer to the cubs the cubs did what they do best be playful and curious they thought the eagle was there to play but when it started to take defense the cubs knew they were up against something else they seemed to have learned about team hunting early enough as each cub took turns and attacking the eagle lucky for them the eagle was weak and could barely defend itself a lioness intervened at some point but these little cubs got themselves a snack.

#9 Mountain Goat

Mountain goats like eagles are not afraid of heights in fact this trait keeps them safe from predators. They may be safe from other predators but they are at an arm's reach for eagles and that's not a good thing. These mountain goats seem to know that as soon as the eagle took off the wise ones started running down the rocks to save themselves a not-so-smart mountain goat was still standing there and tried to flee a little too late and was about to pay for it dearly the eagle grabbed it by the horns and dragged it from the rocks and flew with it for a short while before finally dropping the mountain goat from a couple of meters above the ground that was a long way down so gravity took over and the eagle found its meal dead and ready.

#8 Leopard

No animal is safe in the eyes of an eagle but the leopard is just as ruthless as the eagle and most especially when her cubs are involved no mother is willing to show mercy to their child's worst nightmare. This leopard is about to do just that it had left its cubs in search of food and
before it was even completely out of sight the eagle thought it was the right time to attack the cubs. Unfortunately for it this mother leopard was very keen her motherly instincts kicked in and in a blink of an eye the leopard had already jumped from one tree to another and onto the eagle's neck the good news is that our cute cubs didn't have to stay for long without food that eagle kept them busy as their mothe looked for a better meal.

#7 Snake
It's hard to tell what animals can scare the hell out of an eagle because a venom-spitting snake certainly isn't one of them. This eagle is quite aware that snakes can be sneaky and unpredictable, hence a not so easy target. The eagle landed just to make sure that the snake didn't get away or harm it. The snake was not about to go down without a fight and it
immediately took defence by spitting venom towards the eagle. The eagle didn't look moved at all, the most it did was take a step back. Since it had already made its mind up, the eagle went ahead and attacked the snake, squeezing every little bit of life out of it.

#6 Raccoons
Raccoons are endowed with proficient little hands that can break into almost anything. It is a no wonder that they have turned into sneaky little thieves. Their dexterous hands are all they need to keep their mouths fed. On the other hand, eagles are very territorial and especially with their nest. They are not to attack anything that comes anywhere close to it. This raccoon didn't get the memo. It made an effort of climbing 80ft up this tree. It wasn't climbing all the way up there for nothing. It was on a mission...a mission to steal eggs from the eagle's nest. Once it got there, mother eagle immediately began to attack it, but this raccoon was quite adamant and really wanted those eggs. But after a few slaps from those 1 meter wings it had to retreat otherwise it would have had it worse. The male eagle also enforced security just to make sure the raccoon wouldn't come up to the nest again.

#5 Kangaroo
This poor marsupial had its peace unceremoniously disrupted by an eagle that had launched an aerial attack on it. For an animal that can serve one of the most powerful kicks in the world, this problem would have been solved. The only issue was that the problem in question was flying and has a pretty great eyesight and instinct. The kangaroo would have also wanted to run, but the fence wasn't giving it much space to get away. The good news is that the kangaroo had a few tricks up its sleeves. It dodged the eagle, constantly going in the opposite direction of the eagle and threw a few kicks here and there. The eagle had no choice but to
abandon its mission.

#4 Sloth
In all honesty, this has got to be one of the most unfair fights. Here me out...We are talking about a well seasoned hunter versus the world's slowest animal. Yes, sloths take a whole minute to cover a 30cm distance. You'll mostly find these sleeping beauties hanging upside down from a tree branch or clutching on a tree trunk like this sloth here. From the time the eagle had swooped down to time of capture, the sloth had barely moved. You can see that it was really trying to move fast. But it can't lift it's whole body on one limb fast enough. Poor creature didn't have the chance to defend itself. And just like that, it's gone, never to be seen again.

#3 Dog
We'd love for man's best friend to be safe from these birds of prey, but sadly they are not. I's every dog owner's worst nightmare. It is said that sometimes eagles attack dogs just to tease them but other times, things end pretty badly. In which case, if the talons don't do the job, the hooked beak will finish where the talons started. I'm pretty sure you don't want to wait to find out whether the eagle is playing or hunting.

#2 Rabbit
Rabbits are one of the most adorable creatures and we wouldn't want them to be on this list. But, we must face reality. The wild, is not the coziest place to be. Survival is only granted to the fittest. Camouflage goes a long way, but the white fur coat of this rabbit is not doing it any good. It made it a clear target for the eagle which immediately launched its attack on this poor rabbit. Aware of the looming danger, the rabbit took to its feet. When the eagle started flying, the rabbit started running. The rabbit's companion who was a few ahead was not going to take any chances. The speed at which they took off is evident in the dust that is being lifted off the ground. Unfortunate for this rabbit, it wasn't able to outrun the eagle which did hesitate to kill it.

#1 Crocodile
Prepare yourself to see nature's cruel side in action. This mother crocodile, covered her eggs to keep them warm and safe. The eagle appeared quite relaxed you wouldn't even know it had an agenda in mind. A few months later, the eggs began to hatch and little crocodiles popped out. Mother crocodile even helped the get to the water to boost their chance of survival. But the natural drone AKA eagle was quite alert. While crocodiles are the king's of sneak attacks, eagles seem to giving them a run for their money. Barely minutes old, the eagle quickly picked one of the baby crocodiles before they could all get to the water. On its way, the mother crocodile tried to save her baby from the ruthless eagle, but its jump was not high enough. That must have been one devastated mother.

And that's it for today. Which of these eagle attacks threw you off your seat. Do let us know in the comments section below.
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