Most of Taiwan's undersea cables are owned by the CCP’s companies.

8 months ago

2/15/2024【Communications And Technology Subcommittee Hearing】Ms. Gorman: Most of Taiwan's undersea cables are owned by the CCP’s companies. In the event of a crisis, the CCP could cut these lines and Taiwan would lose access to the internet
#CCP #TakedowntheCCP #Taiwan #underseacable
2/15/2024【通信和技术小组委员会听证会】戈尔曼女士: 台湾大部分海底电缆由中共公司拥有,一旦发生危机,中共可能切断这些电缆,台湾将无法访问互联网
#中共 #消灭中共 #台湾 #海底电缆

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