CAA is linked to Judy Chu and Grace Meng, who have been confirmed to be in deep cahoots with the CCP

9 months ago

2/21/2024【Ava on Grant Stinchfield Show @stinchfield1776】Grant Stinchfield: San Francisco Elections Commission member Kelly Wong is not even a U.S. citizen, and the Chinese for Affirmative Action organization that she is part of has received millions of dollars in funding. Ava Chen: This organization is linked to Judy Chu and Grace Meng, who have been confirmed to be in deep cahoots with the CCP
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP #KellyWong #JudyChu #GraceMeng #CAA
2/21/2024【莘7女孩做客 Grant Stinchfield Show节目】格兰特·斯廷奇菲尔德: 旧金山选委成员黄颖筠连美国公民都不是,她所在的华人权益促进会获上百万美元资金。莘7女孩:这个组织与已被证实和中共有勾结的议员赵美心和孟昭文有关
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共 #黄颖筠 #赵美心 #孟昭文 #华人权益促进会

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