It's Only A Point of View

7 months ago

[Transitional Times Poem Collection]

Opinions and ‘points of view’ can inform and influence debate and our lives … yet are we being unduly influenced by what is now ‘presented’ or ‘suggested’ by sources we used to trust and by our peers? Perspective, bias and influence are all part of the sophisticated presentation of information. They can leave us feeling good about something that actually does not serve us. Where does the truth lie …. can the truth lie?!! ….. and can we still perceive the difference?!!

This creation falls into my 'Transitional Times' poem category which contains 'a variety of Motivational and Commentary poems exploring issues of the time in Ireland and Worldwide' created to encourage consideration, reflection and faith, in ourselves, others and God.

For my creations completed to date from all Poem Collections, see Rumble “Louiseiology & Poetry” or

For more from my ‘Poem Collections’ or ‘Playlists’ see YouTube “Poetry From Me @ Louiseiology”

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Poem wording:-

It’s Only A ‘Point of View!’

Conversations and chat,
Diatribes or orations
‘podcasts’, pulpit speeches,
or other presentations ….
Like broadcasts from
politicians, radio or
even via TV stations ….
They merely “offer an opinion!”

The option exists to …
‘take it or leave it’!
Do what you need to do.
After all, it’s only
a ‘point of view!’

You can use it to inform.
To expand you’re perception.
But caution is warranted
…. As much can be deception!!
Some is even
‘designed to deceive’
So, thread carefully as to what
you let yourself believe!!

Did you know that ‘the news’
Is now legally classed, in the USA,
as ‘Entertainment’?!
Compliments of Obama’s
time in the administration!
Ain’t that some ‘show’ …helps
explain current derangements!!

Well, that should also
be a huge clue for you!!
TNI - Trusted News Initiative … indeed?!
‘Tinman’ please intercede!
people being distracted and deceived.

So as a sovereign being ..
don’t let anyone dictate
what you ‘feel’ or you ‘should do’.
It needs to resonate within you!!

Be careful as to who’s
opinions or expression
you choose to give credence.
It may be, just part of
some sinister plot.
Doesn’t mean a lot.

Remember, the option exists to …
‘take it or leave it.
Do what you need to do.
After all, it’s only
‘a point of view!’

The exception of course …
if you are under eighteen
and living at home ….
Is to truly consider what
your mother or father say to do.
You are in their care and their zone!!
You can of course do what you wish
when you’ve left ‘the family home’.

Hate that!! But it’s true.
Hey and remember …
It’s only a ‘point of view’!!

20th November 2023
Transitional Times Poem Collection.

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