Rise and Fall of Absolute Music - 2024

7 months ago

The term "Absolute Music" is referring to a music that is in complete balance - meaning no continued / repetition of any of the three elements of music, those being melody, harmony and rhythm.

Absolute music also had no purpose other than the beauty of the music itself. It made no pictures in your mind or of your mind. It didn't 'mean' anything. It was wonderful music for the sake of wonderful music.

Music worked historically from one sound / one note and on one instrument and over time, it added more melodies, more than one note a a time; growing into marvelous harmonies that brought in orchestras, symphonies and choirs with their SATB harmony parts; and rhythm carried the music from the beginning to the end with more and more instruments being invented and used. It all peaked during the Classical music era.

However, when Beethoven showed up at the 'end' of the Classical Era, he began writing his music based on his emotions, thus taking away Absolute Music' one piece at a time.

Combining the history of music and Bible history not only shows where we have been in world history, we can also see where we are today and then as a closing bonus, we can see what is coming in the very near future. If you understand the language / voice of music, you should possibly find this material interesting.

By the way, Absolute Music rose to the top at the same the King James 1611 Bible came along, as well. Is that fact significant in any way? Sure is - I believe it to be so. Balanced music and the KJB, all for God's glory!

For today, music that emphasizes melody only is considered New Age Music. Music that emphasizes harmony only with no formal melody anymore, and depending on what structure the harmonies consist of, is called a million different things but mostly is dull, boring and emotional. 'Music' that is rhythmic only, even in the vocals, is called Rap.

When the element of rhythm took over music completely as the main element, it was first called 'Swing" and "Big Band" and eventually became rock music. Today, adding expensive fancy multi-media productions and eliminating of the former form and balance of music and by increasing the 'beat' in melody and harmony (if there is any harmony) is called Popular. The only thing behind music today is the money it makes - and costs the listener.

I hope this video presentation helps you see the magnificence music at one time but how it fell and what we have today in our homes AND churches, is a far cry from Absolute Music as all the modern bibles are also a far cry from the truth of the KJB.

If you are deaf and dumb to music (and I believe most are today, unless you were in band or choir in your school days) and are basically ignorant, willingly or not, yet you listen to it, along with the fact that we all hear music 24/7, pretty much wherever we are, you can take this video as not only a history lesson and an informative study on music, it is also a warning to pastors, parents and students who have grown up with music in their lives.

There is something almost 'beyond evil' going on with music today and unless you have some sort of understanding of the voice of music, you are being controlled by today's massive power of music.

I honestly believe that you are being manipulated in a manner that only a rightly divided King James Bible can show you the escape route.

I have been involved with music since 1957 and with intense Bible study since 1980 along with having taught and directed music to all ages over those years, so I can humbly claim that I know of what I speak - and this is worth my speaking of! I have seen it, lived it and to make myself clear, I have also escaped from it.

This is Part I and II from two presentations published in 2022, put into one video, 52:33 minutes in length.

There is enough world history, bible and music study in this video to give you enough material to make you decently aware of what music has done in this world as well as you can learn how God started it, Satan took it over, mankind got heavily involved in it and how everyone was manipulated by it, and of course, we can see that God will get it back for Himself sooner than later.

I would call this my definitive video on music and Bible. I also have other videos and presentations on music, but this one sums it all up and honestly, after watching it a year later, I was even impressed myself on the material included.

I have been involved in music directly since 1957 and have combined music and Bible study since 1980. Music and Bible are 'my thing, man!'

For this and the last 20 years of online sermons, bible studies, videos and charts on the apostle Paul, the King James Bible, the Goodness of God, music and much more, visit my websites at www.paulson1611rd.org or www.scatteredchristians.org.

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