Could "The Day After Tomorrow" Be Correct?|⚛

1 year ago

Have you ever gone to sit down, only to find the chair you were about to sit in wasn't where you expected it to be? Or tried to lean on something only to find the object wasn't there. If you have, you'll know it doesn't usually work out the way it does in a comedy. Once your brain realizes the object you were about to rest on isn't there it tries to immediately reverse your momentum to prevent you from falling down. What happens next? We usually end up throwing ourselves forward too fast and we either pull a muscle or fall down in the other direction. This is an effect called over correction. It can happen when we try to compensate for something we observed has been pushed too far, or it can also happen in the environment when there is too much of a resource like an animal's food causing a population to boom then bust. We'll, could this happen with the climate? Could our attempts to correct the damage we think we've done to the climate actually do more harm? Let me Explain!

#globalwarming #climatechange #globalcooling

Background planet art is all my own unless otherwise stated.

✝=Religious Video
⚛=Science/Engineering Video

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