Jaw Dropping Report About United States' Imperialist Impact In Africa

1 year ago

Jaw Dropping Report About United States' Imperialist Impact In Africa

Feb. 23, 2024


Dangerous Ideas with Lee Camp

Lee delves into a staggering report that reveals just how the so-called, U.S. "War On Terror."

Achieves NOTHING, but the opposite of what it was supposedly created for.

Resources stealing is considered the norm. The "War On Terror" was really attacks against indigenous Africans, who wouldn't accept European imperialism.

Original: https://youtu.be/DGYUpN1Xt08

#Murder #LandStealing #Oil #Gas #Vaccines #Profits #CovidScam #GreatReset #WealthTransfer #Plandemic #VaccineProfits #BillGates #Klaus #GreatReset #USDollarCollapse


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I am one of the most censored comedians in America. If you want to see my work continue, become a member at http://LeeCamp.Net and get exclusive content.

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I'm one of the most censored comedians in America. I was the host and head writer of the TV show "Redacted Tonight" for 8 years until it was shut down by US sanctions. Then all of the past episodes were banned by YouTube around the world. Next my podcast "Moment of Clarity" was deleted by Spotify. My other channels are shadow-banned and suppressed -- All because I'm anti-war and anti-imperialist. You can support my work and get weekly exclusive content at LeeCamp dot net. (You can also find my podcasts now under the name "The Lee Camp Show," "Government Secrets" and "Common Censored.")

I will keep fighting. Please join me.

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