🟩OBS: Adding Stream Labels Using Rumbles API (Gaming Overlay Continued)🟩

1 year ago

Hello my name is Alpha Pyxis, I stream games on a channel of the same name. I decided to make a channel for random clips and tutorials and stuff and I called it Beta pyxis.
Today is going to be a tutorial on how to Make Your mic Sound like a Studio/Radio broadcast style mic Using VST plugins in OBS.
API Pointers :

Followers Goal Pointer: "/followers/num_followers"
Latest Follower Pointer: "/followers/recent_followers/0/username"
Latest Sub Pointer: "/subscribers/recent_subscribers/0/username"
Latest Rant Pointer: "/livestreams/0/chat/latest_rant/username"

Viewers Pointer: "/livestreams/0/watching_now"
Likes Pointer: "/livestreams/0/likes"

Consider Tipping Here: https://streamlabs.com/alphapyxis1/tip
It is not mandatory but helps me to buy games to stream and hardware etc.

My social media:


When you Sub or Join locals you will Get a link to the discord and be a part of the "sub only" sections of discord where yo will get links to Sub only streams. Thank you For subbing if you have!

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