The work of the EXTRATERRESTRIAL contactees Elena Danaan & Alex Collier has changed my life!

10 months ago

An intergalactic confederation of extraterrestrial races called The Seeders entered our solar system in 2021 and removed the malevolent ETs from the planet

🌟The deep state’s plan for genocide and complete world domination HAS FAILED!
🌟The malevolent ETs are no longer here secretly ruling over us
🌟Self-empowered and united in love is how we will bring down the deep state and liberate humanity.
🌟Humanity is ascending to higher levels of consciousness
🌟The great awakening is NOW!


I highly recommend Elena Danaan’s mind blowing, life changing book: “The Seeders” to anyone seeking to understand the bigger picture. She is an extraterrestrial contactee and shares INCREDIBLE AND VERY IMPORTANT information from her off world contacts. I also recommend her other books and her earlier videos on YouTube from a couple of years ago. Her website and webinars are packed with information too. And both the exopolitics researcher Dr. Michael Salla and the extraterrestrial contact Alex Collier corroborate Elena’s work. I know this sounds really far out there but if you do take the time to research these people’s work, you will discover that they are in fact genuine and have evidence to back up their information. This information will change your life forever… Discovering them has certainly blown my mind and changed my life (for the better). I am also incredibly grateful to everything I have learned and continue to learn from the great David Icke. He is a hero, a pioneer and a positive example to us all of what true courage really is.




DAVID ICKE: (his platform which I am subscribed to and which I highly recommend. To anyone interested in reptilians I really recommend watching the mind blowing interview David did with the Zulu Shaman Credo Mutwa)

➡️Follow me, ROSA DISCLOSURE, on X for more disclosure related content:

➡️Follow me, STEP INTO YOUR POWER, on YouTube for content about emotional healing, self-love and self-empowerment:

The content I post on X and Rumble is intended to help shed some light onto what is really going on. (i.e., the kind of information that is not shared in the mainstream media because certain psychopathic people at the top, who unfortunately still control most major media platforms, prefer the masses to be ignorant sheep, as the more uninformed we are, the easier it is for them to control us).

We must not stand for their abuse any longer. It is time to step into our power now!

As clichéd as it may sound, knowledge IS power and the truth WILL set us free! It is time to inform ourselves now and bring an end, once and for all, to all the crimes that are being committed against humanity.

All the information I share is based on my extensive ongoing research. I always link references and recommended resources in the description box of each of my videos. I encourage you to do your own research and come to your own conclusions.

And please do let me know your thoughts in the comments if you feel like sharing. I always love hearing from other awakening truth-seekers. Stay curious, my friend, and be your own investigator of truth! Sending much love to whoever is reading this.❤️

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