
8 months ago
Why don't Christians kick atheist-leftists (like Pelosi, Obama, Biden, Reverend Wright, Reverand Al Sharpton, etc etc etc) out of their club???
I'll tell you why, because just like the Republican party they have made a deal with the devil.
The deal goes like this: "We want to be the most popular club on earth, so we don't care how we grow our numbers."
Can you see the problem with this strategy? The answer has to do with one of the 7 deadly sins. PRIDE!!!!!
It all goes back to wanting to be voted Prom King and Prom Queen. Some people never get over high school. They hate themselves for not being voted "most popular". Then they spend the rest of their life wanting to be members of the "most popular club" on Earth ... Christianity or Leftism.
Leftists and Christians spend every waking second virtue signaling. A whole lot of virtue signaling too often devoid of actual virtue.

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