Florida From Above- Central Florida /Beautiful Citrus Groves in Central Florida

1 year ago

Citrus has a long history in Central Florida, dating back to the 19th century when settlers first established citrus groves in the region. Today, many citrus farms and orchards are family-owned and operated, preserving the agricultural traditions and heritage of the area. Visitors can explore historical citrus landmarks and learn about the rich history of citrus cultivation in Central Florida.
Central Florida is home to scenic drives and backroads that meander through citrus country, offering travelers an opportunity to immerse themselves in the beauty of the landscape. Driving along tree-lined roads flanked by citrus groves is a quintessential Florida experience, especially during the citrus bloom season when the trees are adorned with blossoms.
Central Florida's citrus industry plays a significant role in the region's economy and cultural heritage. The sight of ripe citrus fruits hanging from the trees, ready for harvest, is a symbol of abundance and prosperity. During the harvest season, citrus groves come alive with activity as workers pick the fruit, creating a picturesque scene of agricultural productivity.

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