Demon Whispers: Hallucinations or Demons Within? – Jerry Marzinsky

10 months ago

Are we all Assigned TWO Guardian Angels and two Demons when we are Born? More on that below.

Why don’t Christians take Demons seriously?

Is that voice in your head a hallucination or a demon?

Jesus cast out demons, does that mean they no longer exist?

How much of “our” thoughts are really “ours”?

How many psychological disorders are really related to demons? Then the diagnosed are treated with drugs that just make them physically ill and mentally ill plus they shrink the brain.

Big Pharma drugs shrink the brain and they blame it on the disorder that is diagnosed by these lunatic psychiatrists.

Pharmakeia is the term for sorcery in Greek. It is Black Magic. It is Witchcraft.

Satan says in the Quran that “I will attack from every direction, from above, from below, from all angles. From behind, from in front, from the right and from the left.”

That is what is happening now. We are being attacked by Big Pharma, our Food, our Water, Chemtrails in the sky, our DNA is under attack, our own body and consciousness is under attack and possibly the largest Satanic Weapon the Mainstream Media Television.

Psychiatrists REMOVE the Spirituality from people by drowning their spirit in toxic drugs. They spend very, very little time, it’s all just a fun and games to them, every patient is an expendable experiment. Then they come back in a few days and ask the patients “How are the Drugs Working?”

We need to Wake the F*ck Up! Why in the hell are we allowing these psychos to act as Mental Health Professionals? It’s just f*cking crazy.

It must be a “Chemical Imbalance” like Eli Lilly said when they promoted their Prozac.

Then they blamed it on GENES. Your genetically f*cked up. You have Bad Genes. BULLSH*T!

Now they are moving on to all the Immune Disorders in other medical conditions.

Back in 1910, Rockefeller and Carnegie took over the health field when they had Congress reform medical schools so that you can only be a Doctor if you graduate from a Pharmacology Program. Every other type of doctor would be labeled as a Quack.

This is when the Pharmaceutical Companies took over the Medical Industry. They teach Pharmakeia in Medical School. The students know no different. It’s been going on for multiple generations now. It has been normalized.

The same people, the Rothschild’s, Rockefeller’s, the Carnegie’s are still in control today. They control the Universities, they control the Medical Industry, they control the Congress and the Senate with their MONEY. They are extremely wealthy.

If someone is hearing voices here is how the game is played. You go and see a Psychiatrist for about a half hour to get your “initial” diagnoses. There will be many more to come. Then once you received your diagnosis and a hefty $350 charge, you now go to get your drugs. The drugs won’t help you. But they will give you more symptoms and more symptoms means more diagnoses and more diagnoses means more drugs.

I know this. This happened to me and before I knew I was dependent on about 12 drugs per day. Everywhere I went I carried a PILL f*cking bag. Over 15 years of this sh*t. So, yes, this is a topic I am passionate about.

I am off EVERY single drug now. It was about 5 years of hell, one complete year with almost NO sleep, which was by far the worst, I totally lost my mind in the process, I lost all my money, it was horrible getting those demon drugs out of my system and it took a LONG time. Somehow I made it, I don’t know how. It was very, very difficult.

All the psychiatric disorders are just complete bullsh*t. As long as they can place it in their DSM Bible and a pharma can make up a drug for that disorder that they can prescribe, they are happy doctors. And they think they are serving humanity. F*cking Idiots.

Now with all the Children’s Vaccines, children are getting sick and presenting ALL types of symptoms and if a family physician cannot come up with a treatment or diagnosis they are referred to a psychiatrist and the life long prescription parade begins.

Suicides Rates have surpassed levels of WWII. These drugs can make people feel so bad, both mentally and physically that people want to end the hell they are experiencing.

I have found out with the help of Anthony William that almost ALL mental and physical disorders are caused by 1. Viruses, 2. DDT – from today and yesterday, can be passed via bloodlines, 3. Radiation – all around us today with the WiFi and 5G, and 4. Heavy Metals.

These can be treated WITHOUT Drugs! I am proof of this. I was sicker than shit and on a dozen different drugs for multiple, multiple conditions every single day for about 18 years straight. If I can do it, ANYONE can do it.

Why the hell are some of these medical schools teaching from the book “How to Lie with Statistics”? Bill Gates was caught in an interview with this book. The guy pushing the vaccines, which are nothing but LIES.

Demons love to jump into physical bodies as they miss the physical experiences and they can get this from sex addicts, drug addicts and alcoholics.

Demons and Archons (highly developed non-incarnating spirits) are made of special type of fire, the 4th realm of matter, they are able to transcend time and space, they can fly, they cross into the physical realm and try to influence us. They don’t have light within them.

There is a Hierarchy to the Demons. Dr. Jerry Marzinsky says that the big ones at the top remind him of the Nephilim (Fallen Angels) and they are the warriors at the top of the heap. Then you have a series of like lieutenants, sergeants and foot soldiers.

The foot soldiers are mostly responsible for the voices. The foot soldiers are like slaves to upper demons. If they don’t do what they are told, they will cease to exist. They are told the light is dangerous and they have no light in them. They are told to avoid the light.

Everything is created by God, they do have light in them, but it is a very dim light. They are told by their superiors that they don’t have light in them. If they learn that they do, they become furious with their superiors.

Demons suck life energy out of us. They are Parasites. They don’t like being called parasites.

On of Dr. Marzinsky’s patients said that the Demon wanted to talk to him. He said out of all his years, that was the first time the voices had told the person that the Entity within wanted to talk to him, it was usually the patient just telling him what the voices said. The voices had never spoken to him directly.

Here is what was said: “You have no right to interfere with OUR way of Life.”

Dr. Marzinsky said it was at that moment that he had no doubt that these things were living entities. These are NOT hallucinations.

The patient said they can see and hear everything that the Dr. Marzinsky does and says.

Emanuel Swedenborg was a Christian mystic back in the 1700’s, some 300 years ago. He was given access to heaven and hell. He was one of the top scientists of is day. He was the chief mining engineer for the Queen of Sweden making her a fortune. He was like the Leonardo Davinci of his day. At the age of 50, Jesus came to him and told him to stop all his scientific stuff. Jesus said I am going to give you access to heaven and hell. I want you to go to both places and interview the spirits that are living there and then come back and write about them so the human race knows.

The book: Heaven and its Wonders and Hell by Emanuel Swedenborg, 1758 is about a man that Jesus gave access to both Heaven and Hell and told him to write down what he sees and hears. You can get a Free PDF Download here →

Emanuel says that we are all assigned at least TWO Guardian Angels and two Demons.

Dr. Marzinsky says that the psychotic killers have multiple demons and a couple overwhelmed demons.

These Satanic Globalists who are running this world are run by Demons. Most of the Freemason Books were written by people who had Demons Whispering in their ears.

If the Satanic Global Elite are being controlled by Demons, does that mean the world right now is being run by the Dark Side? Not by man, but by Demons? The Lucifer Klan?

The demons hate humans but they especially hate children.

Do you think Demons had anything to do with the Covid Jabs?

With the CDC Children’s Vaccine Schedules?

The Demons will speak in your language. They will try to interfere all the time.

The Angels are not allowed to interfere with Free Will. We need to ASK them for help. We need to talk to our Angels. We need to give them permission to help us or they won’t give it to us.

The Angels usually speak in Feeling, Intuition and Serendipity.

Angels speak in mysterious ways – some find penny’s on a regular basis and thank their Angels and continue to do all the time, sometimes you can be thinking of something and those same words are the very next words you hear or read, sometimes you get a vision real quickly and then that happens a short time later, stuff like that.

One of the few times that Angels break protocol is when someone wants to kill themselves. They can interfere if they believe it is not that person’s time to go. For example, a gun jams or the bullet doesn’t kill them, or whatever way they are trying to do it doesn’t get the job done. That’s when you hear the doctors say “you should have been killed” and they barely have an injury at all.

This was a discussion between 3 Muslims and a Christian. They really believe in the same God and the Bible and the Quran have many similarities.

Get a Free Copy of “The Quran – A Complete Revelation” by Sam Gerrans here →

Gary Wayne explains the similarities in his book – Here is a Great Video to Watch - ***Gary Wayne – The Nephilim, Fairy & Dragon Royal Bloodlines and the NWO’s End of Times Objective

**This is Really Good -- -- -- ***This will give you an idea of the people who are in charge and pushing the New World Order. You will understand why they call us Goyim, Chattel, Filthy Animals or Useless Eaters. They truly believe they are from the Gods.


SOURCE: Engineering Sanity – Schizophrenia -- @jerrymarzinsky --


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