Dr. William Luther Pierce: To Rebuild A Western White World - What Do You Think Folks?

11 months ago

America is NOT a Nation of Immigrants or a Melting Pot-The Truth About Immigration
The controlled press, and most of the politicians and religious leaders in our country always repeat the mantra "racial diversity is our strength", but they never explain why diversity is our strength. What does racial diversity do to a country to make it stronger? Does it lower the crime rate? Does it bring people closer together? Does it decrease racial hatred? Does it improve our roads, our educational system, or our health care system?
Of course racial diversity does none of those things, in fact it does just the opposite. But, more than that, racial diversity is a crime against all the races that are forced to live under this modern day neo-religion. To be a racially diverse nation, every race must give up certain rights and suppress certain biological instincts in order to get along, or be 'tolerant' of other behaviors, languages, and customs. We must give up our sense of peoplehood, community, and commonality, not to mention our Constitutional right of freedom of association.
When a man is forced by law, or a politically correct orthodoxy to suppress his natural instincts to feel part of something larger than himself; his tribe, nation, or race, he loses his sense of purpose in life. Instead of having an identity and commonality with his countrymen, he is reduced to being just an individual, and at some level he knows that when he dies, nothing will be left of him, for he had no connection to his people, thus no connection to eternity.
While we as individuals do not live forever, our efforts in life that contribute to our society and culture, and the genes that make us who we are, are our only links to a future beyond or own lifetime, and possibly to eternity. But without a nation of racially similar people to be a part of, what links are there? We have been robbed of our birthright; our right to have a common bond with our own people.
Racial diversity in the world is a wondrous thing, but when practiced within a nation it supresses man's instinctive urge to be a part of his own people, and through that, his connection to eternity, and that is a crime against humanity.
Another crime is the fact that those who support forced or coerced racial diversity are knowingly or unknowingly supporting racial genocide. When different races occupy the same land, a small percentage of each race will breed out of their group, and over time a complete mixing will be achieved, and there will be no recognition of the once separate races that lived there. The racial diversity that this regime and its useful idiots are supporting is leading to the exact opposite of what they say they want - racial diversity. Racial mixing leads to racial extinction, not diversity, and eventually all that will be left is one mongrelized hybrid type of man. There is nothing noble or beautiful about this, it really is a crime against humanity.
Long time ago my sociology professor (Officers Training School) said: “the only purpose of nature is to make the same, to perpetuate your race. The same applies to animal-world. This is the single purpose of our existence.”

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