Dr. Kyle Reed of USF and the iStride Shoe, David M., Dr. Bonati and Chronic Back Pain

11 months ago

This Week: Kimberly Bonati, Ethan Youker and Spine surgeon Alfred Bonati, M.D., highlight how stroke victims can regain normal gait with the aid of a therapeutic shoe. Dr. Kyle Reed from the University of South Florida shows us the success patients have had with the iStride. Next, David suffered for 3 years with “Claw Hand“ following 3 failed fusions at other facilities. After the exclusive Bonati Spine Procedures, he has use of his hands again and is living pain free. Plus, Dr. Bonati describes the most common reasons people undergo procedures at the Bonati Spine Institute. Learn who is affected by chronic back pain and how it can be treated using techniques that target the source.
(original airdate 2-24-24)

If you would like to know if you are a candidate for the Bonati Spine Procedures, please visit: askbonati.com or call (855) 267-0482
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