Elevator Pitch | An Investor Suddenly Changed the Terms Mid-Deal?

10 months ago

If you’ve ever come really close to victory, only to have the rug pulled out from under your feet, you know the pain that one contest in this episode went through. Watch and find out the not-so-magic words that turned a sure thing into a big letdown.

Learn the finer points of pitching and deal-making in the new episode of Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch.

It's episode two of the new season of Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch, and the deals are flowing. In each episode, entrepreneurs are challenged to step into an elevator and pitch their business on camera to a board of investors in 60 seconds or less. If the investors like what they hear, the elevator doors open to reveal the boardroom, and contestants have the chance to walk away with life-changing funding, mentorship from the smartest minds in business and a personal and brand-defining moment.

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