The Flat Earth Psyop

11 months ago

A lot of the normies used "flat-earther" to denigrate the truth community. For the truth community they really do not care if the world is square, triangular, toroidal, or spherical....they just want the truth out. For the normies, it's just like the lefties, it's all about winning an argument. In 2019 I actually believed the moon landings were real and the Earth was spherical, however I did notice before that that the media would only bring on to the TV "flat-earthers" who were either actors or utterly dumb flat-earthers with no thought process of their own. In 2020 I started to hear more from flat-earthers that without a doubt made them appear far more logical and their "theories" actually were proven by raw science, proving the dip using basic mathematics. However in my experience most flat earthers believe the surface of the world is a flat plain and this mimics the drawings of the Firmament. I have seen many pilots now speak out admitting the earth is flat and that is where the problem starts because I have never heard a genuine flat-earther say the planet was shaped like a round thin plate. They all seemed to model their research on the toroidal model with a domed firmament, with subterranean world, and waters as above so below. This clearly aligning with the "hole" being found in Antarctica by Admiral Byrd. Many SpaceX Rockets have skimmed along the dome, it's why rainbows are curved. I have always said that to be a researcher you MUST throw away your ego, because the ego will always make your opinions exist only within the boundaries set by the indoctrinated belief system; this is where "thinking outside the box" comes from, the box being the cube, the satanic cube, the matrix. It's only when we cast aside this indoctrinated belief system that we start to look at the Christmas Snow Globe (the thing you shake up to get the snow to appear) with a raised eyebrow. Talking about Snowglobe...

Operation Snowglobe

Patrick Byrne - Operation Snowglobe - The $18 Million Bribe for Obama to Control Hillary Clinton’s Presidency

“You’re going to work for us setting up Hillary Clinton…

“There was an $18 Million Dollar Bribe that I was to arrange. I arranged it. I was to get a bagman into a room with her, January 14, 2016…

It’s not on her schedule, I do not know if she took the bribe.”

• Three days later, Patrick was told he needs to forget everything that happened. Why?

“Obama had his people across the Federal Bureaucracy, especially the DOJ”

1. Hillary Clinton was supposed to be installed as President

2. The Obama DOJ was to keep the bribe over Hillary Clinton’s head
- If Hillary is Good, nothing would happen
- If Hillary’s Bad, the heat will be turned up

3. Obama was going to manage Hillary Clinton’s 8 Year Presidency (shadow president)

4. Michelle Obama would then be installed as President

This plan was called Operation Snowglobe.

Patrick then goes on to say that he thinks Brennan blackmails Obama.

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