this brand of happiness is unboxable

9 months ago

if i start the video out laughing
baaaaa baaaaaaa BORING!
yer ancestors would kill themselves
freedom ain't free yeah we know
i will never understand this logic
i value liberty n shit
why does approval matter so dang much
when everyone's a candyass...act accordingly
people dunno how to have a separate relationship w/ themselves w/ a mote to the "real world"
in twenty seconds we will be at the exit, calm down amy
the real choices they never advertise
why are yawl living for dem
sociopathic narcissists that do nothin but go on the internet all day
where else but online
lolcows? well i'm not a cow, untrollable n unbaitable
in order to achieve "equality"
it's more of a go you some hippied out gobble d gook
the world will never be the way that it twas before that fateful apple situation
those mocking the supposed lolcows are on a similar level
those fatphobes are just as gluttonous about tweets
every day there's one more hole in the swiss cheese of yer brain
eventually there's just no more cheese
if you live in west civ the chances of us self-destructing in some kinda way are 100%
you can't despair for too long cos you will forget that God still gave us so much good that is left of this world

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