Mirror's Edge on the Xbox 360 and PS3- A Review From a Nobody

1 year ago

Mirror's Edge was a revolutionary concept in a generation where I was starting to lose interest in modern games of the day. This was a breath of fresh air kind of game that came from DICE, the Battlefield developers.

I would like to start off by apologizing for the fact that I had to mute the background music for all the gameplay footage in this review to avoid a claim. Unfortunately, the music in Mirror's Edge is an instant DMCA claim, and while this review qualifies as fair use, I don't feel like fighting the claim. My apologies on this, because the music is such an important part of the game experience and really helps add to the atmosphere. I have put some of my own poorly made music in the background just to have some extra noise. It's not great, but it's the best I can do considering the circumstances.

#mirrorsedge #mirrorsedgecatalyst #xbox360 #PS3

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