Midjourney AI Imagines Cleopatra

1 year ago

Are you aware that the face of Cleopatra, the last queen of Egypt, is a topic of heated debate among historians? Today, with the help of Midjourney AI, we're travelling back in time to take a glimpse into the past. Cleopatra was a Ptolemy, a dynasty of Macedonian Greek origin. However, her ethnicity, much like her looks, is a point of contention. Some claim she had African or mixed heritage, but the truth remains uncertain. Coins struck during her lifetime show a woman with a prominent nose, a strong chin, and deep-set eyes. But let's not forget, coinage was as much propaganda as it was portraiture! Historians suggest her allure wasn't in her physical beauty, but in her charisma and intellect. Could this be the face that enchanted the likes of Julius Caesar and Mark Antony? Remember, the past is open to interpretation, and these images are just one of many possibilities.

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