Joe Biden Is In Trouble

11 months ago

When it comes down to Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes (from the group TLC) and Aaliyah, I provided the FBI with a DIRECT CONNECTION to Left Eye, and Aaliyah (I let the FBI use my spirit mediator ability).

The FBI listened, recorded, and took notes as I provided them with the information that both Left Eye, and Aaliyah gave me.

The names that were provided to the FBI came directly from the spirits of Left Eye AND Aaliyah who are both ROYAL in my bloodline.

These specific celebrities: Jay Z, Beyoncé, Desiree Perez, & Hype Williams will face justice for their involvement & knowledge.

TO THE US GOVERNMENT: Even though I knew all along, the underhanded things that your organization had been doing to me and my children, I STILL helped you.

Not only with THESE cases, but even with predictions about Joe Biden, himself. These predictions have come to fruition.

The US Government and FBI KNOW THIS.

**This written Truth Social Post can, and will be used, in the court of law.

- Patrice D. Walker

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