6 steps to clear money blocks ...

1 year ago

Today, I want to share 6 of my favourite steps to clear money blocks.

It works for me every time, so let’s get into it.

You will need a piece of paper and a pen and then tune into your body with my guidance.

If you are in a hurry, skip this article and watch the video above.

Now think of a money stress you have recently experienced, for instance, a large bill that’s overdue, or paying the kids school fees, or worrying about your retirement that is looming and you haven’t saved enough.

Note the feeling and the strength on a piece of paper.

For instance, is the intensity 3 out of 10 OR 10 out of 10?

Give yourself a rating and do the rating again once you finish this little exercise of clearing money blocks.

Now go to step one:

Step 1
Do your ABC, which is an acronym for Always Be Connected.

Always Be Connected to Source / Cosmos / The Universe.

Imagine light coming in your body from above and below, and simply allow it to penetrate every particle of your aura, as well as the cells and tissues of your body.

Just think of the word ‘allowing’ or ‘receiving’, if you feel any resistance in your mind.

You’re bringing in light from everywhere and then you’re expanding it out, so your energy is extending and receiving simultaneously.

Step 2 ....

Click on the link below to read Grada's Blog in full .... https://gradarobertson.com/6-steps-to-clear-money-blocks-2/

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