HANNAFORD: The $400 billion trust fund goal is tough but worth the effort...

1 year ago

HANNAFORD: The $400 billion trust fund goal is tough but worth the effort...
"Of all the goals Premier Smith might have set for her government in a state of the province address, that of dramatically expanding the Heritage Savings Trust Fund is at once the most consequential and the most difficult...
Sadly, that temptation to pay off a favoured interest group while still balancing the budget will never go away. Indeed, as the fund grows and with it the earnings, this is a temptation that will merely become stronger. As in, ‘Come on, who’d miss a few hundred million for this very worthy priority that isn’t quite worthy enough to come out of general revenue but which our key supporters would really like?’..."
READ MORE: https://www.westernstandard.news/opinion/hannaford-the-400-billion-trust-fund-goal-is-tough-but-worth-the-effort/52588

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