Secrets of Morgue New Content - Social Media - John O' Looney, Richard Hirschman and Wallace Hooker

1 year ago

John O' Looney, Richard Hirschman and Wallace Hooker share new footage and insights to the increasing number of people integrated with this alien tech. Nanobots have already become visible as macro-structures in Microscope.

Secrets of Morgue New Content - Social Media.

Tags for this video:
Richard Hirschman, Nicky Kin, embalmer, autopsy, Transhumanism, Alien, Alien Blood clots, Veins, Hirschman, Alien lifeform, syn-bio, synthetic biology, hybrid, humans 2.0, polymer material, self assembly, mRNA, Biotechnology, Vaccines, Jab, Vax, corpses, Transhumanism, Transhuman, Post-human, Post-human era, Cyborg, Graphene Flagship, mRNA Vaccines, Microchips, IoNT, Advanced Technology, New World Order, Biotechnology, Bioweapons, WEF, NWO, vaccines, Nanotechnology, politician, Schwab, World Economic Forum, Mandates, Medical intervention, Governments, Plan

Conspiracy few years back: IoBNT, 5G, Sensors, Brain-computer interface, Graphene in foods, municipal water, vaccines and dentals. Stay safe everyone

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