CDT for the WIN - Marcus Grant 1st Interview with Dr. Thomas S Cowan: Homeopathic Terrain Theory

1 year ago

Homeopathic Terrain Theory

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00:00:00 CDT Presents
00:00:16 Disclaimer
00:02:33 Introduction
00:06:16 1. What is your response to doctors, nurses etc., who were on the “terrain” and tell you that they saw people dying of “covid” as something completely new that they had never seen before? What did they actually “see”?
00:09:00 2, In your book “Vaccines, Autoimmunity and the changing nature of childhood illnesses” you mention viruses on multiple occasions and that they’re being isolated for the live vaccines. Was this prior to you diving deeper into virology and exosomes? Or is there a different explanation?
00:11:03 3. I heard you briefly say during an interview that we should not get rid of parasites. After my son’s visit to his homeopathic doctor, we were prescribed a parasite cleanse, as his symptoms were telling of a parasite infestation (nervous tics, high sensitivity, light dyslexia, night peeing at over 7 years old, etc). What would then be your take on such symptoms that can be attributed to parasites? Are there cases of infestation that should be treated?
00:20:32 4. Anemia caused by iron defficiency may be determined through tests such as serum iron, ferritin, and transferrin saturation that can assess iron status. Besides that, how can one know if anemia is being caused by heavy metal poisoning (such as with lead, arsenic, aluminium) or a defficiency (such as phosphorus and cobalt)?
00:25:38 5. What would you recommend for eczema in children? It is often related to food allergies (and for my son it’s a delayed gluten allergy) which also makes it difficult for them to have dairy, like raw milk, cheese made from raw milk or butter.

00:27:48 6. For children who have not been vaccinated, were breastfed for a long time, started a pretty healthy life from conception and parents seemed to do “all the right things” what would you focus on if there is a gut imbalance? Does it mean the mother may have transmitted “toxins” in order to create such terrain?
00:30:17 7. which of these element deficiencies, in the body cause the highest problems and why? Magnesium, iron, phosphorus, selenium, chromium, cobalt and zinc.
00.38:19 8. Some think that once the heavy metal detox is done and most of the minerals are within a logical balance, than this balance is going to be maintained for the rest of the life and the patient can go back to their lives. Is this a realistic perspective?
00:39:43 9. Birth control pills are one of the culprits for bringing down the immune system. If a woman has been taking birth control pills, it is estimated by some that it would take an equal amount of time to the one she has been taking them to clean the body from that. Any idea on how to accelerate that process and check the results?
00:41:30 10. what is the fastest way of detoxing radioactive metals, such as uranium or thorium out of the body?
00:43:00 11. what approach to use with heavy metals poisoning?
00:43:01 12. I wonder how many people follow a diet according to their blood type. It’s already a new feat for us to learn and get on a nutritious diet and following your blood type diet limits food choices even more
00:45:40 13. it's said that a grain of celtic salt on your tongue prior to drinking water will help carry the water deeper into your cells. This helps those who retain water, the reason ppl retain water is because it's not being absorbed by the cells. Hense the grain of salt: so... If you were to take that grain of Celtic salt before each dose would the salt help carry the CDS deeper or more efficiently into the cells? Please explain further
00:50:36 14. When we dive into nutrient dense diets, there is often talks about how raw dairy is beneficial. On the other hand, a lot of people have this concept that dairy is mucus forming and should be avoided when sick, if not altogether. What are your thoughts on dairy creating mucus?
00:51:32 15. If I have an excess of sodium in the body and I like to consume a lot of Himalayan salt, would changing that with Celtic salt or Redmont salt be enough to adjust my appetite for salt and bring the sodium levels back in balance?
00:54:13 16. What’s the deal with cholesterol? Now we know that not all cholesterol is bad but how do we eat a balanced “cholesterol diet” without making the labs go off the chart?
00:55:21 17. is it a good idea to use humic and fulvic acids in liquid form instead of multivitamins in the form of pills?
00:56:07 18. What did you think about the questions?
00:57:10 19. How could we ask better questions?
00:58:43 Thank you
00:58:48 Reach out to discover more of Dr Cowan's work.


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Special credit on several aspects of accomplishing this interview goes to Jelena GE for her multifaceted support.

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