Trail Cam Captures - Bun, Birds, Pheasants And, Of Course, Mama Skunk

10 months ago

Without doing something of high interest, this is about the last trail cam footage to offer of skunks, pheasants or songbirds without getting redundant. At least the Stray didn't get in on this one. WHERE are those raccoons, lynxes, bobcats, ferrets ... or even a good full one of a porcupine? Patience. Meantime, a good cottontail in back while IR glares out nearest then a typical buffet line:
Ms. Skunk, Ring-Neck Pheasant, Black-Billed Magpies and Chipping Sparrows. Three slo-mo whoas: 1. A sparrow fly-by. 2. Straight-down drop of larger, unknown (by these glimpses) bird. 3. Great Magpie hop up from crowd to occlude sunlight at apex then drop nimbly down.

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