Why people like to gain attention by losing respect 🫡

11 months ago

In this social media age, where attention is the new form of currency. People are willing to do anything to gain popularity, we see many people on social media trying to get our attention daily.

Our Lord and savior Jesus Christ is the only one ☝️ who should be getting our attention more than the things and people of this world.

The enemy/adversary wants to fool people to believe that being an idiot is the best way to get the right attention in order to be relevant and valid. It’s all a lie, trickery at its finest.

From rappers to entertainers to sports stars. They will do the necessary things in order to get the worst attention.

Proverbs 13:5 “Good people hate what is false, but the wicked do shameful and disgraceful things”

#degeneracy #respect #focus #honor

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