Holy Quran - Sura 43, Az-Zukhruf (The Ornaments of Gold) - Recitation by Al-Afasi

1 year ago

Surah Az-Zukhruf is the 43rd surah (chapter) of The Glorious Quran. Name of the surah means The Ornaments of Gold. It has 89 ayaat (verses) and was revealed in the holy city of Makkah i.e., before Prophet ﷺ migrated to the city of Medina. This surah can be found in juz / paara 25.


This Meccan sûrah takes its name from the ornaments mentioned in verse 35. The pagans are scorned for following their forefathers blindly, labelling the angels as Allāh's daughters, claiming that Muḥammad ( ﷺ ) is not worthy to receive revelations because he is not rich, and for associating idols with Allāh in worship, although they admit that He is the sole Creator of the heavens and the earth. Similar to the next sûrah, the pagans are warned of a horrifying punishment in Hell and the believers are promised a great reward in Paradise.

Source and more Information: https://amrayn.com/quran/info/43

Full Surah Az-Zukhruf Recitation by Mischari Raschid al-Afasi.

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