The Black Awakening – Russ Dizdar – “We Smell Christian Blood”

7 months ago

“You have NO Idea how many”
“You have No idea what is coming”
“We smell Christian blood”
“We are waiting for our Day”
“When the Call is given”
“Millions of us will be Released”
“We Believe in the Black Awakening”

What is the Black Awakening? It is related to the Red Horse Prophecy in Revelation. It is related to II Thessalonians II when it talks about the Day of the Lord or the Tribulation Period will not come until the Rebellion occurs.

A multi-continental release of power to activate the programmed demonized. They have weaponized demonic powers to “Super Soldiers.”

They told Russ – “You have no idea how many of us are out there.” They are the Satanic Chosen ones. *Remember when Trump said “I am the chosen one?”

Are they waiting for a specific time to unleash your powers? YES. As soon as he who is restrained (Antichrist), is removed the Slaughter begins.

There will be Chaos before the New Order.

*Just a note to remember: Satanists use the words, God, Lord, Christ, Messiah and Lamb just as Christians do. They mirror or they invert everything from the creator. What is good is evil and what is evil is good. Keep this in mind whenever you listen to these f*ckers speak, because they can sound so charming and provide so much hope. Once you begin to know their world, which is so FAR from ours, you can spot them and recognize them very quickly by the way they talk and especially their symbolism.

The participate in “mass” also – they call it “Black Mass” where they meet in “mass” to commune with their divine. During this they denounce the divinity of Jesus and his mother Mary, they are all wearing masks, one person is acting as the Devil wearing a Goats head and they participated in an Orgy. This “black mass” is always performed with a theatrical flare. It is important to learn as much as you can about them is you want to recognize them.

Everything we see going on today is by Intentional Design. They will create the chaos. Much of this is visibly evident as they have Biden for president. EVERYTHING is a show in the last days, which is right now. Putin, Trump, Xi, Klaus, Trudeau, Macron, Zelenskyy, Netanyahu – they all are on the same side implementing a plan of chaos, creating the ultimate Problem in preparation for the New World Order which is rule of the Antichrist. It is important to know, this is what is going on right now.

Elon Musk is said to be one of these “Super Soldiers”, on the intellect side, he is there to Usher in the New World Order and the Antichrist.

Their goal is to collapse ALL the Governments of the World – that is a Problem that would create Mass Hysteria and they offer a Solution of Digital Currency for a a New One World Government.

Russ Dizdar says he thinks there could be about 100 million of these Programmed Super Soldiers just waiting for the trigger command.

How many are in the United States?

Can you imagine the damage they could do?

How many of these shootings are people who have been unknowingly programmed?

Does SRA – Satanic Ritual Abuse exist?

Answer by Russ: Yes, it has to do with multiple personalities. There are millions of victims by design and there are generations of them. SRA is designed to pass from one generation to the next.

They cause extreme trauma to the child which will split their personality which opens the door to demonize and program them. They create witches and conjurers this way also.

They are so programmed that most people will NEVER recognize them as they can act so incredibly normal in the public eye.

They torture the child in slow motion, little by little letting the blood out to raise the energy, it draws the demons and when the child is killed the demons are released to the practitioners. They feel powerful with their demons. They do not care about others at all. They lose the God connection of love and compassion.

I didn’t know this: Russ says that this SRA - began in the late 30’s, the Nazi’s did this to start a master race and Hitler’s goal was to create 200 million of them.

Source: Guerrera DE Dios --


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