Is Judge Rossi Caught in the Donors Web of Influence?

1 year ago

**I am not the author of this video and if whoever the author is asks me to take it down, I will. However, I felt that this is extremely important to get out. I am hoping that Judge Rossi is a man who is blind when it comes to Justice, but this does leave numerous people feeling very uncomfortable and it may be best for him to recuse himself. The same attorney that is representing Malinda Pego in this case (where is she getting her $$ to pay him?) Jonathan Lauderbach is also the Attorney for the Seymore Building in Lansing. He represents the Secchia side who has contributed to Judge Rossi's campaign. The RNC has paid Warner Norcross and Judd money to represent cases and the RNC has just brought WNJ attorney, Troy Cummings on their staff. Troy Cummings was personally calling State Committee members trying to have them side with removing our MIGOP Chair, Kristina Karamo. The pockets seem too thick here.

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