Vaccine-Linked White Clots on Thailand's Popular Mainstream Media TV3

1 year ago

Renowned Neurologist and Thai Red Cross Emerging Infectious Diseases Health Science Centre Lead Prof. Dr. Thiravat Hemachudha Breaks News about Vaccine-Linked White Clots on Thailand's Popular Mainstream Media TV3


We've only been finding this (white clots) in the past 2 years, and never before we had the vaccines. This refers to the medical reports that the doctor referred to This is a new matter for medicine and science, what has been discovered in the body. The distance mentioned is from the time you returned first. This is something that doctors have discovered. We find this in those who have been vaccinated with the MRNA only, and a few with Astrazeneva vaccine.

And what's important is the white substance is also found in those who are still alive. From the photos and information received It is drainage fluid from the abdominal cavity near the inflamed pancreas In the vessel there was a similar white lumps found in the body.

What is clearly known all around the world Is that the covid vaccines can cause the heart to become inflamed and patchy, And inflammation can occur. The inflammation interferes with the electrical current that makes the heart beat. Therefore, it was found that those who died suddenly and were Always in good health, often die suddenly after they begin to exercise, or between 3 a.m. to 5 a.m.

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