🔴FiveM Live🔴 !!! Devin din ce in ce mai bogat si vei afla si cum fac asta !

1 year ago

Bun Venit ! Tipeestream : https://www.tipeeestream.com/marian-zem/donation Link Donatii : https://streamlabs.com/mariantataru 📱 Social Media 📱 Instagram - https://instagram.com/marian.zem?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Discord - https://discord.gg/mjsA8JT5SN YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1wh... Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/zemxtv Componente PC •Procesor : i9 9900 k •Placa : 3070 la reducere •NVME : 1TB dela rapid rau de tot •RAM : 32 nu stiu frecventa •Sursa : 700w atat s-a putut Periferice : •Tastatura: Logitech G570 •Mouse: Logitech g pro x whireless •Casti Logitech pro x whireless ❗️ ATENTIE ❗️ 🔞 ACEST LIVESTREAM NU ESTE ADECVAT COPIILOR! 🔇 PE ACEST LIVESTREAM ESTE POSIBIL SA EXISTE LIMBAJ LICENTIOS! ⛔️ ACESTA ESTE UN CANAL DE DIVERTISMENT SI TREBUIE TRATAT CA ATARE! ❌ DONATIILE NU SUNT OBLIGATORII! SUNT STRICT OPTIONALE. 🔇⛔️ I do not own any copyright on the songs that are playing during my livestreams and i am not using them for comercial reasons.⛔️🔇

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