Timothy Shea, Trevor Fitzgibbon & Hugh Odom on State of the Nation - 22 February 2024

8 months ago

GUEST 1 OVERVIEW: Timothy is a political pundit and grassroots activist with a long history in GOP and Conservative politics. He has served in elected local government positions in Massachusetts and is a serial entrepreneur and business consultant. Timothy is also the co-Founder of MAGA Institute and the co-host of the MAGA Institute Podcast. He hosts "The Reckoning with Timothy Shea" on TNT. Find out more here: https://tntradio.live/presenters/timothy-shea/

GUEST 2 OVERVIEW: Trevor is the president of Silent Partner and an award-winning PR strategist. His work has primarily focused on defending human rights, supporting whistleblowers, and exposing corruption. Trevor is known for breaking high-powered information operations and has collaborated with journalist George Eliason and filmmaker Igor Lopatonok to expose information operations surrounding the war in Ukraine/Donbas region. He has secured high-profile placements, including Joe Rogan, the Wall Street Journal, and the Today Show. Trevor's clients have ranged from Amnesty Intl. to WikiLeaks, Pearl Jam, and the governments of Venezuela and Ecuador, assisting in their legal fight against Chevron for its environmental destruction. Connect with Trevor on Twitter/X: @TrevorFitzgibb1. Find more about his work at https://silentpartner.substack.com.

GUEST 3 OVERVIEW: Hugh Odom is the President of Vertical Consultants and brings over 10 years of experience as a former attorney for AT&T. Recognized as a "Deal Maker" by the Wall Street Journal in their "People of 5G" feature, Hugh is a wireless industry expert.

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